
City of Sedona News - City Needs Resident Input on Internet Service and Speeds

Government and Politics

January 11, 2023

From: City of Sedona

City needs resident input on internet service and speeds

The city of Sedona invites all residents to take a broadband survey by January 20, 2023. The survey results will help determine if Sedona qualifies for federal funding to install a broadband, or fiber optic network, for faster, more reliable internet.

This three-question survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey will ask participants to identify their internet service provider as well as take a speed test to include their download and upload speeds.  

This will help give the city helpful data as it prioritizes bringing broadband to the Sedona area. The results of this survey will provide a better understanding of how much of the Sedona community is served, un-served, and under-served in terms of speed and access. This is critical information to know should the city seek federal funds for broadband improvements.  

“Broadband is a priority for the city – it's necessary infrastructure for our residents, businesses, education systems and healthcare institutions. The survey responses will help us determine how best proceed forward in seeking additional grant funds and partnerships,” said City of Sedona Economic Development Director Molly Spangler.  

Go to the following link to take the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SedBroadband.