
City of Tempe News - Project Connect Volunteers Needed to Help Tempe's Unsheltered

Government and Politics

March 2, 2023

From: City of Tempe

Project Connect volunteers needed One-day event brings services to unsheltered in Tempe to help end homelessness

Help make a difference in Tempe by volunteering on March 14 for Project Connect, a one-stop resource event for those who are unsheltered. By taking part, you can have a hand in making essential services more accessible to help people end their homelessness.

At last year’s Project Connect in Tempe, volunteers, city staff and organizations assisted about 155 people with housing support, healthcare screenings, job search and preparation, legal assistance, ID replacement and more.

Some people were connected directly to shelter from the event or assisted with being rapidly rehoused. All guests had access to basic necessities such as showers, haircuts, food and clothing.

Be part of the change and sign up for various volunteer shifts March 14, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at host site University Presbyterian Church, 139 E. Alameda Drive.

Sign up to volunteer!