
City of Tempe News - Tempe Awards Record Number of Groups Through Art Grants

Government and Politics

July 21, 2022

From: City of Tempe

Tempe awards record number of groups through art grants
The year, the City of Tempe is awarding 38 arts grants to nonprofit organizations and artists collectives providing inclusive arts and culture programming in Tempe, which is the largest pool of applicants the city has ever supported through the program.
"This fiscal year, the Tempe City Council supported a 50 percent increase in Community Arts grant funding, totaling $300,000," said Brendan Ross, Deputy Community Services Director for Arts and Culture. "This new level of investment is significant to artists and organizations who have endured upheaval as a result of COVID-19, and will advance goals to ignite creative vibrancy, support capacity building and grow community connections."

A total of 38 grants were awarded in the amount of $257,396 in this first round. The remaining $42,400 will be distributed through other grant categories in the fall.

The competitive review process was conducted by five independent and objective community review panels comprised of representatives from the Tempe Arts and Culture Commission, African American Advisory Committee, Climate Action High School Fellows, Tempe Tourism, Tempe residents, arts educators, students and practicing artists.

Projects will be presented in a variety of community spaces, including schools, theaters, parks, as well as animating other surprising spaces across the City.

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