
City of Tempe - Next steps: Rolling Hills Golf Course changes

Government and Politics

August 13, 2022

From: City of Tempe

Nearly 600 people gave their feedback on proposed changes to the Rolling Hills Golf Course through a monthlong public input process in July that included an online survey and two public meetings.

Next, city staff will evaluate the results of the survey and engage in further discussion and negotiations with Grass Clippings about the proposed design.

If negotiations are successful, a draft development agreement will be presented to the Tempe City Council for consideration. At that time, the public will be invited to attend council meetings and submit any additional feedback.

Results from the survey are available online for viewing.

View the survey results

Earlier this year, the Tempe City Council unanimously authorized the city to begin negotiating with Glass Clippings, Inc. on a land lease to broaden and improve the Rolling Hills playing experience as part of the city’s commitment to community-based golf. A separate firm, Course Co, will be submitting proposed plans for the management of Ken McDonald Golf Course. 

For more information, visit tempe.gov/golf.

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