
City of Tempe: Take the A Mountain Challenge

Government and Politics

March 6, 2023

From: City of Tempe

Climb the equivalent of some of the world's tallest peaks

Tempe, AZ - You can climb Mount Everest – or at least its equivalent – without leaving Tempe. Take the A Mountain Challenge to earn fabulous prizes and personal pride.

The “A” Mountain Challenge, is a 7-week hiking, walking or running challenge, beginning Friday, March 10 through Sunday, April 30, 2023. The event, presented by the Downtown Tempe Authority, showcases “A” Mountain (also known as Tempe Butte) as a fun and convenient hiking destination while giving participants the chance to earn prizes that support Downtown Tempe merchants.

The challenge is to achieve elevation milestones on “A” Mountain equivalent to some of the most popular mountain hikes.

-Four A Mountain climbs  = Camelback (2,707 ft.)

-10 A Mountain climbs = Humphreys Peak (12,633 ft.)

-25 A Mountain climbs = Mt. Rainier (14,411 ft.)      

-40 A Mountain climbs = Mt. Everest (29,032 ft.)     

Various prizes are unlocked once an achievement is met during the challenge. The more you climb, the more prizes you can earn! Reach 40 climbs for a gift certificate to a Downtown merchant and a chance to win a Downtown Tempe Staycation Package.

Take the Challenge

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