
City of Tempe To Train All Employees To Spot And Report Human Trafficking

Government and Politics

January 12, 2023

From: City of Tempe

Tempe, AZ - Human trafficking, both a crime and a human rights abuse, harms the well-being of 25 million children and adults globally.

Trafficking can come in the forms of forced labor and forced prostitution. No gender or ethnicity is exempt.

In Arizona, the average age of youth entering into sex trafficking is 14; the U.S. average age for youth is 17.

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. In recognition, the City of Tempe is taking action. Starting this week, the City of Tempe is rolling out training to all its employees on how to spot the signs of human trafficking and how to report it. That is more than 1,600 people.

“CEASE AZ Human Trafficking 101 training will help to equip our employees so they provide more “boots on the ground’ here in Arizona to stop human trafficking,” said Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Velicia Humes.

Signs of human trafficking can include:
Avoiding eye contact and social interaction
Working excessively long hours all the time
Living at their place of employment
Small children working
Security measures that appear to keep people inside an establishment
People not being allowed to go into public alone or speak for themselves
Showing signs of physical injuries and abuse
If you see someone that may be in danger, confidential 24/7 help is available by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. In Tempe, our CARE 7 crisis response team is help victims year-round, offering resources and services that support a wide range of needs.

Learn more: tempe.gov/CARE 7.