
City Of Tucson Kevin's Notes - May 23, 2022

Government and Politics

May 25, 2022

From: City Of Tucson

Topics in This Issue:

-Humanizing the Homeless

-NAMI Mental Health Awareness Month

-More Homeowner’s Assistance

-Cooling Stations


-Landlord Tenant Act

-Period Poverty


-African American Museum of Southern Arizona

-Wear Orange Day

-Blenman Elm Mural

-ByFusion Blocks

-Business Navigators

-Changes to Bar and Restaurant Parking

-Reid Park Master Plan

-Proposition 411


Humanizing the Homeless

This is Sandra. She's 53 years old and was born in Long Island, New York. She has a high school education and a bit of college. Her parents divorced when she was young, and she and her mom ended up moving around a lot while Sandra was growing up. Her mom worked with deaf and blind youth which made finding work relatively easy. One of the added challenges Sandra has with being homeless is that she too is deaf.

Sandra was married for 25 years. She has one son who works in construction in the Tucson area. She says her marriage was on the rocks for a long time, but they stayed together for the benefit of the son. After their divorce she ran into an ex-boyfriend, and they found a house together. She worked for Target Fulfillment Center for about 10 years until about 3 years ago. Since then, things have been tough.

The house the new partner and Sandra found ended up having issues. They ended up losing the place and began living out of their car. While in the house they did not have a television and so when they transitioned to being unsheltered, she had no idea that COVID was a thing. She remembers going to one of the libraries and seeing it closed down. She had no idea why 'the place had turned into a ghost town.' And remember, she's deaf so not being able to see people's lip movement due to masks made it impossible for her to communicate. She spent about 2 years camping with her partner, until recently landing at Sister Jose. She says Easter Seals has helped her find some temporary part time work, but the communication issues continue to be a problem. With masks coming off she's hopeful for a change.

Her son didn't approve of the guy she was living with and until they split up, he was out of contact. He knows where she is and being able to talk about rekindling a relationship with him clearly made her happy. She also gets joy from nature, animals and 'helping people'. Still struggling from the after-effects of a brain stroke, but working through it, she says what makes her sad is seeing people who 'won't help themselves.' She says, 'don't give up - you'll get there.' I believe she will.

Click Here To View City Of Tucson Kevin's Notes - May 23, 2022