
City Of Tucson: One Water 2100: Master Plan Timeline

Government and Politics

February 28, 2023

From: City Of Tucson

The plan is on schedule!

Since we closed the strategy survey at the end of January, we've been focusing on drafting the plan itself. We are on schedule to share the draft plan with Mayor and Council during their September 6th, 2023 study session. The draft is going through three separate reviews before the Mayor and Council study session. Next month, Tucson Water staff and the planning team will review the first draft. The Director and Administrators at Tucson Water will review the second draft in April. Our Citizen's Water Advisory Committee will review the third draft in May. That draft will also be posted on the tucsononewater.com website for public review. Feedback from the committee and public will be incorporated into the plan over the summer.

Outreach Metrics

John Kmiec, the Director of Tucson Water, presented our preliminary community engagement outcomes to Mayor and Council in January. Our goal is to develop a long range plan for our water security that is truly reflective of our diverse community. Mayor and Council gave us a positive review of our engagement campaign. It was successful because you responded to our calls to participate in the development of the plan and we are very grateful for that. Here are some metrics we used to summarize the community engagement outcomes

-Over 3,500 unique visitors to TucsonOneWater.com

-Nearly 4,000 responses to the water concerns survey, One Water awareness survey, and strategy surveys

-Over 2,500 subscribers to One Water 2100 email list

-7 stakeholder workshops on conservation, scenario planning, and water supply and demand strategies

-36 stakeholder interviews, speakers bureau presentations, and community events

It's Your Plan, Tucson!

We've been working with the Plan Tucson team to ensure your feedback about our water future is reflected in this general plan update. The City's last general plan was adopted in 2013 so it's time to revisit our shared goals and diverse aspirations. The goals and policies spelled out in the next Plan Tucson will guide the City’s investments, programs, policies, and land-use decisions over the next two decades.

During the first phase of community outreach during Spring 2023, Tucson residents will be asked to share their priorities and vision for the future of our City. This is an opportunity for the community to learn about the City’s recent efforts, assess our challenges and needs, and guide Tucson’s long-term direction. Please take the brief survey here: plantucson.org/plan-with-us/survey_tools/phase-1-survey

Plan Tucson will be on the ballot for voter approval in November 2025.

Help others connect to the One Water 2100 Master Plan. Community input is vital to the Master Plan, so share our survey and this information with friends, family, neighbors, and ask them to sign up for our newsletter here, if they haven’t already. Follow Tucson Water on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for all things water.