
City Of Waynesville News - June 20, 2022

Government and Politics

June 21, 2022

From: City of Waynesville

Toth & Associates to Begin GIS Mapping of City Infrastructure

Starting Wednesday, the City's engineering firm, Toth and Associates, Inc., will be sending out teams throughout the City to start GIS mapping certain features of our utility infrastructure. these features include manholes, utility poles, utility service meters, etc. This is just one step in many that is being taken in order to help Waynesville become a "Smart City". It is our goal to implement a system that will allow us to monitor our utility and other vital services in real time. GIS Mapping is the first step in that process.

If you would like to know more about GIS mapping or are interested in Smart City improvements, we invite you to attend our monthly Utility Committee meetings. Utilities meets the first Tuesday of each month.