
City of Westfield Website News - Westfield Reprecincting Information

Government and Politics

August 2, 2022

From: City Of Westfield

The 2020 Federal Census results for Westfield revealed changes in Westfield’s population. To comply with Massachusetts General Laws (MGL 54§2), Westfield was required to make changes to our existing precinct borders to balance population among the precincts, thus balancing representation. This is referred to as “Reprecincting.” The result of the changes to precinct borders means some Westfield voters will be voting in a different voting precinct than where they last voted. The change is effective for the September 6, 2022 State Primary and all elections thereafter.

As a result of the Legislative Redistricting, Precincts 2A and 6B will be divided into two split representative districts.

6B and 2A-1 will be voting for the Sixth Hampden District Representative in General Court. That seat is currently held by Michael J. Finn of West Springfield. The areas inside of the black dotted lines on the New Precinct Map (2022) indicate the geographic areas that have been assigned to new precincts; the number inside the area indicates the NEW precinct number assignment.

WARD 2 - VOTE at Westfield Middle School
2A       Fourth Hampden District Representative
2A-1   Sixth Hampden District Representative
2B       Fourth Hampden District Representative

WARD 6 - VOTE at Paper Mill Elementary
6A      Fourth Hampden District Representative
6B     Sixth Hampden District Representative
6B-1  Fourth Hampden District Representative

The remaining Precincts in Westfield will continue to vote for the Fourth Hampden District Representative in General Court. That seat is currently held by Kelly W. Pease of Westfield.

Visit https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/ and select ‘Check Registration Information’ to view your voter registration details as well as view a ballot for the upcoming September 6th State Primary Election.

The City of Westfield mailed out postcards at the beginning of July to inform all voters of their 2022 Polling Locations.

We will have signage and poll workers to help direct voters on Election Day.