
Congressman LaMalfa and California Republican Delegation Introduces Sweeping Water Legislation

Government and Politics

September 30, 2022

Congressman LaMalfa and California Republican Delegation Introduces Sweeping Water Legislation

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) joined Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-21) and the entire California Republican delegation to introduce the Working to Advance Tangible and Effective Reforms (WATER) for California Act. This bill focuses on operational stability, infrastructure, and accountability to bring more water to the state.

“For too long, farmers, ranchers, and municipalities have suffered from the gross mismanagement of California’s water by Washington and Sacramento. These unforced errors have led to drastic allocation cuts, fallow fields, perished livestock, tainted drinking water, and reduced water levels in reservoirs we rely on for fire suppression. To provide immediate relief as Water Year 2023 begins, this legislation overrides the man-made drought policies of Democrats in Sacramento and Washington by reinstating the 2019 Biological Opinions, while also opening up more funding for water storage. I look forward to continuing to work with my California colleagues to prioritize our limited water supplies for farms and our people,” said Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01).

“For too long, the Central Valley has suffered from devastating drought conditions, unfair water allocations, and a gross mismanagement of the water we do have by Sacramento bureaucrats and environmentalists,” said Rep. David G. Valadao (CA-21). “This bill will bring more water to the farmers, businesses, and rural communities in the Valley and throughout California, doing everything possible to survive this devastating drought. I promised my constituents that I would fight to secure a reliable and clean supply of water for our communities. This legislation would do just that by streamlining operations, expanding water storage infrastructure, and increasing accountability.”

“As we continue to suffer through another year of drought, solutions must address both moving water to our communities and storing water during wet years for use during dry ones. That is why I am glad to join Congressman Valadao – who has been a leader on water and drought throughout his tenure in Congress – on introducing the WATER for California Act,” said Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23). “In a state like California, access to reliable and affordable water is more pressing than ever, and I applaud his efforts to advance commonsense solutions to ensure our constituents get the water they contract and pay for and improve California’s drought resiliency.”

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