
Congresswoman Tenney Recognizes the Heroic WWII Service of the Joseph Brothers in House Floor Speech

Government and Politics

November 16, 2022

Congresswoman Tenney Recognizes the Heroic WWII Service of the Joseph Brothers in House Floor Speech

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) yesterday delivered a floor speech commending the Joseph Brothers of Utica, New York on their honorable service to our great nation in World War II. 

In her speech, Congresswoman Tenney spoke of the exemplary service displayed by the five Joseph brothers, who all served across different theaters in World War II. Each brother honorably answered the call to serve in one of our nation’s darkest hours. The brothers remained committed to their posts across multiple combat fronts, even during their mother's passing. The Joseph family’s history of service is a great example of what it means to be a true American patriot and exemplifies the very best of the Greatest Generation.

Members of the Joseph family still reside in New York’s 22nd District, where they continue to display an exemplary commitment to serving their country and community. 

Congresswoman Tenney delivered the following remarks on the House floor. Click here to watch.

Thank you, Mister Speaker.

I rise today to celebrate the Joseph family of Utica, New York, and their dedicated and honorable service in defense of our great Nation.

During World War II, five of the Joseph brothers served in our Armed Forces, each of them rising bravely to the challenge of protecting democracy and freedom, and defending all free people’s rights across the globe.  

The Joseph brothers served in all branches of the United States military across multiple fronts. They were in harm’s way constantly.  As an example of their sacrifice, when their mother died, none of the brothers could return home for her funeral. When she died, each of the brothers were deployed across several theatres of combat.

It is impossible for us to fully comprehend or appreciate what the Joseph family must have gone through. Each of these brave young men came of age under enemy fire. In their memory, today I want to provide this body and this country with a small snapshot of what each Joseph brother endured, and did for their community, state and country:  
Seaman Second Class Edward Michael “Chick” Joseph, served in the United States Navy during World War II. He recieved an Honorable Discharge from the Navy on November 28, 1944.  For his bravey, Ed earned the Combat Action Ribbon, Navy Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with three bronze battle stars, World War II Victory medal, and foreign awards of the Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation and the Philippine Liberation Ribbon with one bronze battle star.

Then there is Torpedoman’s Mate Second Class Joseph Edward Joseph, who was honorably discharged from the United States Navy on January 4, 1946. He served in World War II aboard the USS Aulick.  On November 29,1945, six Japanese planes attacked the Aulick in the Leyte Gulf while it was on antisubmarine patrol. 31 Americans gave their lives in defense of their vessel, wile 64 were wounded.

Anthony Joseph, United States Marine Corps, honorably served his country in World War II.  Sadly, in 1945, he passed away due to cancer.  

Louis Joseph served in the United States Merchant Marines during World War II. He was stationed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean Theatres, visiting 31 countries, islands, and territories during this tours of duty. Two of the ships Louis served on were sunk. In once instance, Louis spent 17 days in a life raft, uncertain of whether he would ever be rescued.  Louis’ unit earned the Presidential Unit Citation with two battle stars. Louis initially was not even old enough to serve, but used his brother Joseph’s identification to enlist.

This truly is the mark of the Greatest Generation. 

And then last, but certainly not least, is John G. Joseph, who served in the United States Coast Guard during World War II. He also served as a Corporal and Auto Equipment Operator in the United States Army during the period immediately after World War II, serving from December 1945 through December 1948.

I have been fortunate to know many World War II Veterans, and to hear first-hand of their actions and experiences.  Sadly members of our Greatest Generation are leaving us but their legacies of bravery, honor, and integrity surive them. It is up to each of us to make sure they endure forever.  Today’s generations will only know of their service and sacrifice if we tell them - it is so vitally important that we continue to do so.

The Joseph family is an example to all Americans of what answering the call to duty means, especially when our most sacred ideals come under threat by tyrants.  Their family here in the United States supported them while facing tremendous stress and uncertainty, but honored that these sons of Utica were on the right side of one of the greatest military struggles in our history.  

I am honored to represent the next generations of the Joseph family, all who continue the tradition of the five Joseph brothers in public and community service.  I want to thank the Joseph’s for their service, and every Veteran in the 22nd Congressional District and across our country for their sacrifice. These tremendous stories of service should inspire each of us to reach higher and be better in service to our nation.