
Creative 360 Hosts Local Author Juan M. Garces

Arts and Entertainment

September 13, 2022

From: Creative 360

September 12, 2022, Midland, MI. –On Thursday, September 22nd, Creative 360 is pleased to welcome local author,Juan M. Garcés,to the Bayliss Street Gallery to discuss his recently published novel Love in Four Dots.Garcés will share passages from thebook and talk about his discovery of a series of coded love letters hidden in an 1844 edition ofthe 4th volume of Don Quixote that he had purchased as a young man.

After discovering the codes,Garcés, did extensive research to discover the identities of lovers, Sofia and Federico, who traded the same book back and forth between the military prison where Federicow as held prisoner and Sofia’s residence inthe city of Popayán, Colombia during the One Thousand Days War (1899-1902).Juan and his wife,Linda,traveled to Popayán as part of this process.

Born in Cali, Colombia,Garcés studied to become a chemist and worked for morethan 50 years as a student, instructor, researcher, and consultant in the chemical industry.Throughouth is career as a scientist, he made the time for other creative pursuits, including wood working,gardening, writing, and planning and designing his living space.

“We reached out to Juan upon publication of his book, hoping that he would be available to share his work through Creative 360,”Executive Director Laura Vosejpka explained. “What wedid not truly understand is how deep the whole story is. This is not just about the discovery of the love letters and history ofthe two lovers.  It is also a story about Juan, his own history,and his family, all of whom have had a part in the creation of this lovely book.I was mesmerized by what he shared and cannot wait for others to have that same experience!”

The event isThursday, September22 from 7:00 –8:30pm at the Bayliss Street Gallery. Admission to the event is free and donations are gratefully accepted. Light refreshments Popayán will be served.  Please pre-register online at be creative360.org./events or by calling the arts center at 989-837-1885.

About Creative 360
Creative 360 is a not-for-profit community arts and wellness organization founded in 1994. Its mission is to create environments that allow people of all ages and abilities to experience the creative process, and to enhance physical, mental and spiritual wellness through the arts and humanities.The organization’s core values of inclusiveness,

creativity, respect and community drive the culture at Creative 360. Activities at Creative 360 are supported inpart by the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, Midland Area Community Foundation and the Herbert H. and Grace A.Dow Foundation. Visit www.becreative360.org for information about the offering sat Creative 360, or call (989) 837-1885 to request a mailed copy of the current schedule.