
Dixon Family Services News - December 14, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

December 15, 2023

From: Dixon Family Services

Thank you so much for your help and support over the years! 

Our Organization’s Success Depends on Generous People Like You, Who Believe in the Good Work We Do to Serve our Community!

As a reminder, the end of 2023 is coming soon, but it is not too late to make your tax-deductible, year-end contribution that will increase our chances of providing the same level of services, or even greater, in 2024. There are so many families with young children struggling to meet their most basic needs of food, housing and utilities right now in our community. We want to continue to help them with our Basic Needs Program, our DFS Food Pantry, our Information and Referrals, and other programs at our non-profit human services organization. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Can we count on you again, now, to help? Our services have never been more vital in our community. We ask for your support on behalf of the people we serve.

PLEASE join our efforts to soften some of the impacts of poverty.

Thank you for your generous heart and desire to make a difference in your community through Dixon Family Services. We are so grateful for our partnership, making it possible for us to be here for those who need us, when they need us.  

For your tax purposes, our Tax I. D. number is 68-0041829

Sincerely from, Everyone at Dixon Family Services

And remember, if someone you know needs our help, please suggest they call us at 707-678-0442. Another way to reach us is [email protected] With your support, we will keep doing all we can to help stabilize households, motivated by our overarching goal to ensure that 

All Children are Safe, Healthy and Thriving in Their Homes.