
Douglas County Government News - February 7, 2023

Government and Politics

February 8, 2023

From: Douglas County Government

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What do the Denver Broncos, Centennial Airport and local traffic have in common? They're topics you and your Commissioners are talking about in this newsletter, along with the 2023 Balanced Budget, 4H, School Safety, Short-term Rentals, and a new Water Commission.

Your New Health Department
Fully launched. What's the connection to your favorite restaurant?
What is the role of public health when nearly 95% of a community has private health insurance? If you eat out, take your child to daycare, have a septic system, or have obtained a birth certificate, you have already interacted with the Douglas County Health Department.

The new, and now fully launched, Douglas County Health Department was designed by you and is focused on your specific needs.


Abe Laydon
From Centennial Airport.

George Teal
From DC Traffic Operations Center.

Lora Thomas
From Empower Field at Mile High Stadium.

Oath of Office
Watch the 2023 Swearing In Ceremony. Six elected officials took their Oath of Office on Jan. 10, 2023. Watch Recording.

2023 Balanced Budget
Transportation, new deputies. Historic investments in your priorities are once again front and center in the County’s 2023 balanced budget. Read More.

In addition to governing as the Board of Douglas County Commissioners, your Commissioners also represent you on 50 additional Boards and Commissions at the local, regional, state and national level.

Your Board’s service via their annual individual appointments to these external boards brings your perspective to the larger policy table. Because the Board is elected at-large and serves at-large, each Commissioner is uniquely positioned to represent you.

From transportation to public safety; from natural resources such as water, land and wildlife, to public health; from human services to housing, and more, your Commissioners are at the table and involved in the local, regional, state, and national public policy debates impacting our County throughout the year.

Give Safely
We know you're compassionate. We also know handouts don’t help. Visit www.douglashasheart.org to explore the available options and resources in our community.

Short-Term Rentals
Listen to the Jan. 25 Live Town Hall. The Board of County Commissioners is continuing the conversation about short-term rentals. Watch the Live Town Hall.

STEM School Security Douglas County was deeply impacted by the 2019 STEM School shooting and partnered in a historic fashion to ensure kids in Douglas County would be safe through improved physical school security, mental health services and additional school resource officers. An innovative School Security Fund was also established by the Board majority to ensure the County could partner on new technology that would keep kids safe at school.

Bast forward to today, and we are pleased to announce that STEM School was awarded a significant portion of these funds to pilot security that we hope will become the model for ensuring our kids don't have to worry about their safety while attending school.

Grants Awarded
Supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In line with the 2001 voter-approved Douglas County Developmental Disabilities Mill Levy, 2022 grants were awarded. Learn More.

Suicide Prevention
Apply for $1.5 million in ARPA funding. If your organization has an innovative idea or is looking to expand a successful suicide prevention program, you are encouraged to apply.

Douglas County Comprehensive Water Plan
Similar to our Comprehensive Transportation and Comprehensive Land Use Plans, isn’t it time Douglas County had a Comprehensive Water Plan?

Recent debates, as well as applications to the County for more than $276 million in American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) funds for water and wastewater infrastructure, led to the conclusion that Douglas County needs water and wastewater infrastructure solutions for future generations. The response must be grounded in expertise and common sense solutions with input from all water providers, the private sector, and long term land owners. You have asked for a forward-thinking comprehensive water plan, and one is on the way.

On Jan. 17, 2023, Commissioner Abe Laydon asked the Board and County staff to begin the conversation around developing a cost-free, volunteer Douglas County Water Commission. The objective of the Commission is to consolidate several longstanding objectives into one 2050 Comprehensive Douglas County Water Plan to ensure we have a reliable and secure water future. The Board majority supported advancing this key initiative.

To stay informed and join the conversation, subscribe to our news feed by clicking "Comprehensive Water Plan" to receive updates in real time.

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