
Emily Williston Memorial Library News - October 2023

Schools and Libraries

October 4, 2023

From: Emily Williston Memorial Library

October brings the return of what Library staff is tired of hearing me call my 'least favorite holiday.' October 1-7, 2023, is Banned Books Week, the annual celebration of the freedom to read and annual opportunity to spotlight "current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools." While I love the chance to stand up for freedom of information as much as the next librarian, Banned Books Week can feel reactive, self-congratulatory, and ultimately insufficient. We can do more than share lists of frequently challenged titles, although those lists are important. We can do more than number the various challenges and their perceived validity or lack thereof. We can build the freedom to read and write and share and exist as a complex, diverse, and challenging society into each Library policy, each purchase, each plan. We can explicitly and fearlessly make our commitment to inclusivity and access known, and we can make it a reality.
We are here, as always, for you.

October also brings some big announcements. Our Fall Friends of the Library Book Sale is coming! This year's sale will be a bit later, and will take place as a part of the Eastworks Open Studios on the weekend of November 4th and 5th. We are excited to partner with Eastworks to offer a larger and more weatherproof sale! We are accepting donations of books, CDs, and DVDs at the Library through the week of October 14th. If you have a large donation, please contact the Library beforehand. Thank you for your help in contributing to make this sale our best ever. All proceeds from the sale go toward supporting special programs and purchases to improve your library experience.

Speaking of Library experience, many of you know that we are deep into the process of applying for a state Building Grant that will allow us to plan and develop a new Library building for the City. Community input is a vital part of the grant-writing process, and we will be soliciting citizen feedback in a variety of ways, including community forums, focus groups, and a community survey. You'll be hearing more from us over the next month about the details of these, and we thank you in advance for sharing your time, input, and ideas as we work to envision the next 30 years of the Library's future.

For the impatient among you, the next 30 days of the Library's future are going to be pretty incredible as well. This Wednesday, 10/4, at 6:00pm, Valley Bloomers Garden Club presents speaker Heidi Dollard to discuss Managing Invasive Plants in Your Garden. Feeling crafty? Come enjoy an afternoon Art Buffet with Lois on 10/17 at 2:00pm. On 10/18 at 6:30pm, we'll have a special Meat for Tea Author Reading with Novelist Christian Livermore. Finally, on 10/25 at 6:30pm, Financial Advisor Eric Markiewicz will discuss The Foundations of Investing.

By popular demand, we're increasing our Tech Help hours and will now offer sessions weekly. Find all the details here.

Down in the Youth Department, it's a celebratory month (and not just because we finally finished the sticker mural). Come party the Dory Fantasmagory way on Friday, 10/13, and pregame Halloween on 10/27 at our teen-led Spooky Afternoon at the Library. We're also very excited to present a limited series of Wednesday afternoon Yoga for Kids.

For our full lineup of October activities, check out our Calendar. We'll see you soon at the Library!