
Exhibition Highlights ‘Climates of Inequality,’ Work by CSUN Faculty and Students

Schools and Libraries

September 23, 2023

From: California State University Northridge

Communities of color are often the first and most impacted by the human decisions that contribute to climate change. They are also the places where the foundations for environmental justice can be found, according to California State University, Northridge Chicana/o studies professor Stevie Ruiz.

Ruiz is part of a team of academic and nonprofit leaders who have organized a national touring exhibition that shares how local environmental histories are intertwined with movements for racial, immigrant and labor rights, as well as equitable access to affordable housing, clean air and green space.

The exhibition, “Climates of Inequality: Stories of Environmental Justice,” will make back-to-back stops in Southern California. It opens first at the Japanese American National Museum in downtown Los Angeles from Sept. 24 through Oct. 1, and then from Oct. 14 through Nov. 5 at the Riverside Art Museum in Riverside….

For more of the media release: https://csunshinetoday.csun.edu/arts-and-culture/exhibition-highlights-climates-of-inequality-work-by-csun-faculty-students/