
Fall Newsletter - November 16, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

November 22, 2023

From: Dixon Family Services

Each year at this time we see an increased need of human services programs in our community.

Throughout the year, as it has been for several years now, the soaring needs for low-income families are rent and utilities assistance.  We are thankful to have the Basic Needs Program that can help reduce some of the stress that comes with living in poverty.  

Those who ever worried about how they would pay the bills, and also provide a happy Christmas for their children, understand the anxiety that the holiday season can bring.

The current cost of living and high prices of basic necessities are of major concern for many parents.  Households that survive living “paycheck-to-paycheck” in this time of high inflation, find themselves in need of government benefits and other support systems they never thought they’d have to use.  But, for our children, we parents have to do all we can to provide a safe and warm home with food, good health and love.  There are programs available, but most have confusing application processes.

Navigating these systems, guiding parents through the complicated steps required to access aide, is one of several important steps we take with them at Dixon Family Services, in order to access government benefits, rental assistance, healthcare and more.

We Could Not Do All We Do Without Generous People Like You Who Support Our Efforts!!!

Can we count on you now, again?  Our services have never been more vital.

We ask for your support on behalf of the people we serve.  

When you support DFS, you are making a difference in the lives of people in your own community.  We ask you to consider us in your end-of-year charitable giving.

Thank you in advance for your generous heart and desire to make a difference in your community through Dixon Family Services. We are so grateful for our partnerships and support, making it possible for us to be here for those who need us, when they need us.  

Sincerely from, Everyone at Dixon Family Services

And remember, if someone you know needs our help, please suggest they call us at 707-678-0442.  We expect our basic needs assistance for rent, utilities, food and other necessities to be a continued need for many families for some time to come.  With the support of our community, we will keep doing all we can to help stabilize households, motivated by our overarching goal to ensure that All Children are Safe, Healthy and Thriving in Their Homes.

Once again you have an opportunity to help families in need right here in Dixon, through DFS.  

We will soon be taking applications for our big Holiday Food for Families Program.  The annual distribution of food, grocery gift cards and gifts for the children happens the week of December 18.  This, and the Adopt a Family Program are seasonal and a great way to give additional help to the families we have been working with throughout the year.  It does keep us busy, along with the usual work we do all year long, but the joy of helping and giving keeps us motivated and energized.

There will be several food drives by businesses, churches and others with DFS Food Pantry as the beneficiary.  You can always catch up with the action on our Facebook page.  There will be photos of businesses, individuals and service organizations that will present checks to DFS in this season of giving.  A HUGE Thank You to Tully Consulting Group staff for managing our Facebook and Instagram pages in addition to being a long-time financial supporter.  

As blessed as we are with community support, we are always in need of additional support. Parents are calling for our help daily.  PLEASE join our efforts to soften some of the impacts of poverty.  

And if you know of a family in need of some extra help this holiday season, please ask them to call us at 707-678-0442 or email [email protected]  Thank you.

 - There will be additional information about the DFS Holiday Food for Families Program on our Facebook page.

 - We post “shout-outs” to all of our supporters on DFS Facebook and Instagram.

 - Please like us, follow and share our information with your friends.  Thumbs up sign Thank you again.

 - In addition to keeping the public informed about what’s new at DFS, we also post information from our partner human services providers.

 - If you read something on our pages that you’d like to know more about, you can call us at 707-678-0442 or email [email protected] We do not have time to monitor our pages for comments or questions.  Thank you

 - We are always eager to foster new relationships.  To join TEAM DFS, or learn more about us, we encourage you to call, email or go to our website www.DixonFamilyServices.org  or find us on Facebook or Instagram.

 - Your charitable giving to Dixon Family Services is fully tax-deductible.  We are a private, 501c3 non-profit organization.  For your tax purposes, our Tax I.D. number is 68-0041829

 - Together, we can reduce hardships for those struggling daily.  With your help, we will continue to do as much as we can, for as long as we can, and for as many as we can, to help stabilize households, keeping families housed.

It is now easy to make credit card donations to DFS by going to www.dixonfamilyservices.org,  click on DONATE on any page.  We also welcome your checks in the mail to Dixon Family Services, 155 N. 2nd Street, Dixon, CA 95620.  Thank you for your support!!