
French Institute Alliance Francaise Coming Up - December 5, 2022

Arts and Entertainment

December 7, 2022

From: French Institute Alliance Francaise

Upcoming Events


FIAF Members' Holiday Party at The French Consulate

Wed, Dec 14, from 6:30–8:30pm
934 Fifth Avenue at 75th Street, NYC

Cocktail Attire with a Touch of Red

Celebrate the holidays with your FIAF famille! Our annual soirée for Members returns to the French Consulate’s beautiful mansion on Fifth Avenue featuring traditional Bûche de Noël, delicious hors d’oeuvres, inventive cocktails courtesy of Grand Marnier, live music, exciting prizes, and more.

Open to FIAF Members and their guests only.

Not a Member yet? Add a membership to your ticket order during checkout to attend the party and also enjoy FIAF Membership perks for a full year!

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CinéSalon: The Offbeat Charm of the Larrieu Brothers

Journey to the Pyrenees
Le Voyage aux Pyrénées
Tue, Dec 13 at 4pm & 7:30pm
FIAF Florence Gould Hall
Free for FIAF Members!

Dir. Arnaud & Jean-Marie Larrieu, 2008
In French with English subtitles

In this outlandish comedy, a famous acting couple, Alexandre (Jean-Pierre Darroussin) and Aurore (Sabine Azéma), take a trip to a remote valley of the Pyrenees to try and find a cure for Aurore’s nymphomania. But of course, nothing goes as planned…

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Serge July
A Love Letter to NYC
Opening Reception
Wed, Dec 7, from 6–8pm
FIAF Skyroom

Author of Dictionnaire amoureux de New York, Serge July continues his love affair with New York City through photography. FIAF is delighted to exhibit a selection of his photographs in our Skyroom from Dec 7–20. Join us for a glass of wine at the opening reception on Wed, Dec 7, from 6–8pm.

Please Note: Due to unexpected circumstances, Serge July is no longer able to attend the opening and so the 7pm talk has been canceled.


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