
Glide - We Are Made For These Times

Health and Fitness

December 26, 2022

From: Glide


As we enter a third year of the pandemic and uncertain economic times, we can feel the reverberations of collective loss and fatigue in our community.

The vibrancy of San Francisco continues to be challenged by stark racial and income inequity, food insecurity, persistent homelessness, and startling rates of death from drug overdose.

These challenges underscore how important the sanctuary GLIDE provides for the most vulnerable in our community is — and I can confidently say that we are made for these times. It is at moments like this that we are most inspired and galvanized to drive change and provide the unwavering hope, support, and leadership our communities deserve.

Now more than ever, we’re counting on supporters like you to invest in the sanctuary we continue to build and grow. Can you make your first-ever gift to GLIDE with a tax-deductible donation toward our end-of-year goal of $75,000? Thanks to a generous donor, every dollar you give now goes TWICE as far.

Match My Gift

Throughout the pandemic, our courageous, dedicated staff have been a bedrock of unconditional love and support in the Tenderloin and beyond. Here’s just a few of the ways we’ll put your matched gift to work in 2023:

- Through our evidence-based mobile services strategy, we’re ready to expand our reach into more vulnerable neighborhoods across San Francisco with a FLEET of mobile vans, community partnerships, street outreach and resource hubs.

- We’re more committed than ever to giving children and families a chance in these uncertain economic times by providing essential childcare, education and developmental services through our Janice Mirikitani Family, Youth and Childcare Center (FYCC).

- As housing continues to slip further out of reach for too many of our neighbors, GLIDE will continue to provide direct rental assistance and support for clients as they navigate the intricacies of the housing system in San Francisco.

And Friend, that’s just scratching the surface. When you give to GLIDE, you can be certain we’ll allocate every dollar toward that place of sanctuary, refuge, and community we all deserve.

Make your first-ever gift to GLIDE today and ensure we’re ready to serve the needs of our community — and push for bold systems changes that are always, and forever, for the people.

Match My Gift

Remember, your gift today will go twice as far. There’s never been a better time to be a part of what we’re building together.