
Halloween And Trick-or-Treating 2022

Government and Politics

November 2, 2022

From: Town Of Hanover

Happy Halloween, Hanover! Have a safe and fun night. Trick-or-treating hours in Hanover are from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Halloween Safety Tips

- Provide children with flashlights or glow sticks.
- Use a flashlight or battery-operated candles in jack-o-lanterns instead of candles.
- Stay away from open flames.
- Wear costumes that say “flame resistant” on the label. If you make your costume, use flame-resistant fabrics such as polyester or nylon.
- Wear bright, reflective costumes or add strips of reflective tape so you’ll be more visible; make sure the costumes aren’t so long that you’re in danger of tripping.
- Wear makeup and hats rather than costume masks that can obscure your vision.
- Test the makeup you plan to use before going out. Put a small amount on the arm of the person who will be wearing it. If a rash, redness, swelling, or other signs of irritation develop where the makeup was applied, that's a sign of a possible allergy.
- Don’t wear decorative (colored) contact lenses that appear to change how your eyes look due to the risk of eye injury, unless you have seen an eye care professional for a proper fitting and have been given instructions for how to use the lenses. See Eye Safety below for more information.

Candy and Treats

- Don’t eat candy until it has been inspected at home.
- Eat a snack before heading out to avoid the temptation of nibbling on a treat before it has been inspected.
- In case of a food allergy, check the label to ensure the allergen isn’t present. Tell children not to accept — or eat — anything that isn’t commercially wrapped.
- Parents of very young children should remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies, or small toys from the Halloween bags.
- Inspect commercially wrapped treats for signs of tampering, such as an unusual appearance or discoloration, tiny pinholes, or tears in wrappers. Throw away anything that looks suspicious.

Additional Information

For additional information and Halloween tips, please visit Halloween Safety Tips: Costumes, Candy, and Colored Contact Lenses.