
Have You Seen This Man?

Government and Politics

April 18, 2024

It’s been exactly one month since Gavin Newsom was scheduled to deliver his constitutionally required State of the State. With little explanation (though plenty of speculation), Newsom postponed his address at the last minute. Despite claims that his office is coordinating with the Legislature to find a new date, a rescheduled address has yet to be announced.

Where is he?

“Hiding is certainly easier than addressing California’s downward spiral on his watch, but cowardice is not in the job description of what Gavin Newsom signed up for. Californians deserve to hear directly from their governor about what’s happening in the state today – even if that means explaining to them how he accrued a record budget deficit, lost track of billions of dollars in homeless spending, or continually drove California to the top of all the wrong  lists.”– CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson