
Healey-Driscoll Administration Promotes Efforts to Increase Access to First-Time Homeownership

Government and Politics

May 21, 2024

From: Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey

HAVERHILL - On May 20, 2024, Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll and Housing and Livable Communities Secretary Ed Augustus joined a roundtable discussion with recent first-time homebuyers. Convened by Massachusetts Housing Partnership, MassHousing, and the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, administration officials talked with residents who recently purchased a home through a state-sponsored first-time homebuyer program.  

“Homeownership is one of the primary paths to building intergenerational wealth and remains an important part of the American dream here in Massachusetts,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Increasing access to these important homebuyer programs is crucial to helping families put down roots and strengthen communities.”   

“The Healey-Driscoll Administration is working to expand first-time homebuyer programs and make Massachusetts more affordable and equitable,” said Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. “Everyone should have the opportunity to build a stable future for themselves and their families.” 

The Affordable Homes Act will expand homeownership opportunities for low- and moderate- income individuals. The bill will authorize $50 million for MassDreams to create first-time homebuyer opportunities for households in disproportionately impacted communities. The bill will authorize $100 million for the Commonwealth Builder Program to spur the construction of affordable single-family homes in Gateway Citys and other similar markets. The bill also creates a new Homeownership Tax Credit for first-time homebuyers.  

“The Affordable Homes Act provides Massachusetts families a real shot at homeownership,” said Housing and Livable Communities Secretary Ed Augustus. “We heard from homeowners about their homebuying experiences and heard concerns from those homeowners who have young adult children, ready to purchase their first home, but are unable to find anything. The Affordable Homes Act will expand homeownership opportunities for everyone. It will lift us all up and help us build stronger communities.” 

“MHP and our lender network are pleased to partner with state and local governments to help low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers gain access to an historically challenging real estate market,” said Massachusetts Housing Partnership’s Executive Director Clark Ziegler. “Our ONE Mortgage program helps bridge the affordability gap and has created opportunities for thousands of underserved households to buy a home of their own.”    

“Affordable homeownership allows people to sink roots into a community and begin to accumulate equity and wealth from owning their own home that might eventually be passed on to future generations,” said MassHousing CEO Chrystal Kornegay. “Creating more opportunity for homeownership is a major part of addressing the housing and wealth disparities in Massachusetts.” 

This discussion was part of the administration’s statewide Housing Campaign to call attention to the urgent need to lower housing costs throughout Massachusetts. Earlier today, the administration awarded seven supportive housing projects across the state. Later this week, we will highlight the groundbreaking of the Curtis Apartments in Worcester. Events last week included highlighting the MBTA’s efforts to support transit-oriented development and celebrating our community developers. Prior events focused on identifying housing solutions with the business industryending veteran homelessness, the impact of housing on health care, the importance of investing in the state’s public housing and the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s partnership with cities and towns to find housing solutions.