
Hochul Campaign Launches New Ad on Lee Zeldin's Threat to Abortion Providers and Doctors

Government and Politics

October 7, 2022

NEW YORK – Governor Hochul’s campaign today launched a new television ad highlighting Lee Zeldin’s far-right anti-abortion agenda. The ad, “Shaken,” features Dr. Katharine Morris, who has been an OBGYN in New York for over three decades and discusses the threat that Lee Zeldin poses to reproductive health care providers. As governor, Zeldin has promised to implement abortion bans so cruel they risk putting doctors like Katharine in jail for simply doing their jobs.

The ad is part of a multi-million dollar paid media campaign making clear the danger that Lee Zeldin’s agenda poses to New Yorkers.

MORRIS: I’ve been an OBGYN in New York for over three decades…

MORRIS: I’ve delivered thousands of babies…

MORRIS: And stood by women as they made some of the hardest decisions imaginable.

MORRIS: I’m not easily shaken.

MORRIS: But I’m terrified Lee Zeldin could become Governor.

MORRIS: He’s supported abortion bans so cruel – they include no exceptions for rape or incest.

MORRIS: And he’d criminalize abortion – which could put doctors like me in jail.

MORRIS: Lee Zeldin is dangerous. And too extreme for New York.