
Important Information For Upcoming Primaries

Government and Politics

July 28, 2022

From: Town Of Trumbull

Democratic and Republican Primaries will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. The primaries are for registered Democrats and registered Republicans only.

Polling Places

All seven polling places will be open from 6am-8pm. Your polling place may have changed since the last election. Postcards were mailed out to all voters affiliated with the Democratic and Republican parties with poll locations.

Residents can find their polling location using the State of Connecticut's Voter Registration Look-up database.

Alternatively, voters can find their residence on the Voting District Map (PDF) and use the district number to identify their voting location on the polling places listed.

- District 1
 Daniels Farm Elementary School
 710 Daniels Farm Road

- District 2
 Booth Hill Elementary School
 545 Booth Hill Road

- District 3
 Tashua Elementary School
 401 Stonehouse Road

- District 4
 Madison Middle School
 4630 Madison Avenue

- District 5
 Frenchtown Elementary School
 30 Frenchtown Road

- District 6
 Middlebrook Elementary School
 220 Middlebrooks Avenue

- District 7
 Christian Heritage School
 575 White Plains Road


The deadline to register to vote is five days before a primary election by mail, or by noon, the day before, in person. Your application must be postmarked by the fifth day before a primary or received by the Registrar of Voters' office or a voter registration agency by the fifth day before the primary. You may apply in person at the Registrars’ office or at the Town Clerk’s office by noon on the last business day before a primary. There is no Election Day Registration and voting during a Primary Election.

Absentee Voting

Absentee Ballot Applications are available in the Town Clerk's office and online at State of Connecticut's Secretary of State's website. You may also call the Town Clerk's office at (203) 452-5035 for an application.

You are eligible to vote on in the Primary by Absentee Ballot for the following reasons:

- active member of the U.S. armed forces
- out of town during all the hours of voting
- illness
- religious beliefs prevent you from performing secular activities like voting
- performing duties as an election official at a polling place other than your own
- physical disability that prevents you from voting.
- Completed applications must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office in person, by using the drop box located outside the door at Town Hall, or by mailing to:

Town Clerk
5866 Main Street
Trumbull, CT 06611

The ballot is the colored paper with the candidates listed. To vote, completely fill in the circle next to the candidate's name you wish to vote for. When completed, the ballot should be placed into the enveloped marked "B". Seal the envelope, sign your name, and enter the date. Place envelope "B" into the outer envelope marked "C". Seal the envelope and write your return address on the front. Absentee Ballots may be returned as soon as they are received.

Ballots must be received in the Town Clerk's office by 8:00 PM on the day of the primary.