
In The Garden Now: Praise The Pollinators

Arts and Entertainment

September 22, 2023

From: Wave Hill Public Garden and Cultural Center

The gardens buzz with life on sunny summer days. Charged by the sun, thousands of pollinators flit between flowers, toiling away as they sip on nectar and collect pollen. Flowering plants today owe their diversity and success to their pollinator partners; this mutually beneficial duet between flower and pollinator began 300 million years ago. Since then, flowering plants have multiplied and evolved to dominate the plant kingdom, overtaking their non-vascular and cone-producing ancestors. It is no understatement to say that there would be no flowering plants without pollinators.

At Wave Hill, we celebrate this pollinator relationship each summer with our Bees, Butterflies and Blooms Weekend. Pollinators include birds, bats and insects; and the latter are the focus of our weekend pollinator celebration. Honestly though, you can find many of us celebrating pollinators every day with decisions in our garden; and so can you!

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