
Indiana Geographic Information Office - May 2022 - Experience Builder

Government and Politics

May 20, 2022

IndianaMap is being transferred to the Indiana Geographic Information Office (IGIO) on May 18.

Launched in the late 1990s by the Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC),  IndianaMap included the planning, design, development, sharing, and maintenance of statewide geospatial framework data layers across Indiana. The Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) developed and hosted a map viewer to aggregate digital map information for Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to support the planning and building of Interstate 69 in southwest Indiana. Over the past two decades, these efforts have evolved through a portfolio of projects, grants, and partnerships to provide the citizens of Indiana with hundreds of statewide geospatial data layers we know collectively as IndianaMap.

New layers and updated data were continually collected and added from federal, state, and local agencies in all 92 Indiana counties—a staff- and time-intensive effort. In addition, in the late 2000s, the IGWS developed custom code to manage data importing, and maintained and upgraded that system despite dwindling staff and funding for the effort. In light of those challenges, the IGIO and the IGWS agreed to move management and operation of IndianaMap to the Indiana GIO.  Indiana Code 4-23-7.3 established the Indiana Geographic Information Office and outlined the officer’s priorities, which include GIS data dissemination.

“The state and its citizens have been well served by the support of IndianaMap by IGWS. We are extremely grateful for their innovation and leadership in the application, systems, and data availability for the past decades,” said Megan Compton, Indiana Geographic Information Officer. “We are all fortunate to have the support and knowledge of a dedicated GIS community in Indiana to take the IndianaMap portfolio into its next phase.”

The IGWS will continue to contribute geology and hydrogeologic data to IndianaMap. “This frees the Survey up to focus on our geological mission, including geological data visualization in 3-D and in ways we haven’t been able to do that in the past,” said Matt Johnson, Assistant Director for Information Services at the IGWS.  “The advancements in technology for data hosting are enabling the Indiana GIO to launch a platform and tools with limited custom coding, which allows for easier updates and consistency with web GIS standards. So, it’s a benefit, and in the long term, it will be a good move,” he added.

“IGIC is excited to partner with the Indiana GIO to continue the legacy of IndianaMap by serving Indiana with robust and current open geospatial data,” said Marianne Cardwell, IGIC president and director of geoinformatics for the IUPUI Polis Center. “Our data partnerships will continue to grow stronger in this next phase of the IndianaMap’s history.”

Over the next several weeks, more information will be shared from the IGIO and IGWS at indianamap.org and maps.indiana.edu, including instructions for making new data connections and updated URLs. Please direct any questions to [email protected].

Annual Indiana GIS Conference
May 23-25, 2022 - Muncie, IN

It has been said that uncertainty precludes prediction but demands preparation. Unquestionably, the last two years have reminded us that while change is constant, it is also full of uncertainty. And yet our constituents and our organizations expect us, the GIS leaders in Indiana, to be prepared for the present as well as the future. How can we do this?

We start by revitalizing our vision for GIS within our organization and around our state, and by reviving our commitment to work together to find solutions using a geographic perspective.

We find strength by reconnecting with our GIS colleagues and thought leaders around the state and around the country and by learning from others as we share our successes with them.

We re-engage our internal and external, formal and informal leaders across the state to help them understand that we are all better positioned to address Hoosier challenges using GIS tools, data, and technologies.

Please join us!


- Tracy Barnes, Indiana Office of Technology, Chief Information Officer

- Joseph Kerski, Phd GISP, Geographer

- Cy Smith, Policy Director, National States Geographic Information Council


Register Now

Introduction to the new IndianaMap Webinar

The GIO is utilizing industry best practices for a new site (ArcGIS HUB) that allows cataloging and viewing for easier access to maps, content, and geospatial initiatives to enhance the GIS community within the state of Indiana. Come join us in one of the webinars to learn more.

Zoom credentials (same for all sessions):


Meeting ID: 933 209 9950

May 20, 12 pm

June 1, 2pm

June 7, 10am

Indiana GIO Office Orthophotography Roadshow

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 11:00-12:00 pm - Register 

Monday, June, 20,2022 – 1:00-2:00 pm - Register 

The Indiana Geographic Information Office (GIO)/Indiana Office of Technology has scheduled two virtual roadshow webinars to anticipate the 2023 flight season with The Sandborn Map Company, Inc. 

The 2023 flying season will be flying the western 1/3rd (Tier 3) of the state at a base-level product of 6-inch resolution. ?In addition, Indiana partners will have the option to buy up to 3-inch resolution and other related products. 

Please join us to learn more about this program and the buy-up options as you plan and budget for your future orthophotography needs.