
It's Democrats' Favorite Day of the Year!

Government and Politics

April 15, 2024

Today is April 15, the day federal and state income taxes are due. It's also Democrats' favorite day of the year, as Democrats in Raleigh and Washington haven't met a tax increase they didn't like or support. 

President Biden's proposed federal budget this year would impose the highest burden on hard-working Americans in history, calling for $5.5 trillion in tax increases and spending $300 billion more than current levels. 

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget noted that Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimates project the national debt would surge to $45.1 trillion — or 105.6% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) — by 2034. 

In Raleigh, Democrats led by their nominee for Governor Josh Stein continue to oppose the very policies that have landed North Carolina at the top of seemingly every ranking for best state for business. 

Stein voted against tax reform as a state senator and instead wants to impose the same policies that led to the state's financial mismanagement when Democrats controlled the General Assembly. 

It gets worse, too. In 2025, Bloomberg notes: "Many lower- and middle-income households will see a tax increase if lawmakers don’t act."

While Biden pushes for more than doubling taxes on capital gains, ending the Trump tax cuts, and raising taxes on middle class families, President Trump's vision for America’s economic revival is lower taxes, bigger paychecks, and more jobs for American workers.

"Democrats want higher taxes to pay for their reckless spending and stick hard-working families with the bill," said NCGOP Communications Director Matt Mercer."President Biden and his enablers, Governor Cooper and Josh Stein, should focus on helping families keep more money in their pockets and support common sense economic policies."