
Kansas City Italian Film Festival 2024

Arts and Entertainment

March 19, 2024

From: Kansas City Italian Film Festival


April 4, 2024


by Sergio Rubini   

It is the beginning of the twentieth century, the three siblings Peppino, Titina and Eduardo, live with their beautiful young mother, Luisa De Filippo. There is no father in the family, or rather he hides in the role of "uncle" Eduardo Scarpetta, the most famous, richest and acclaimed actor and playwright of his time. Scarpetta, although not recognizing his three natural children, introduced them to the world of theater from an early age. Upon the death of the great actor, his legitimate children divide his inheritance, while Titina, Eduardo and Peppino receive nothing. To the three young people, however, "uncle" Scarpetta passed on a special gift, his great talent, which however did not fall to his legitimate son Vincenzo, also an actor and playwright, who became the owner of his father's company. The redemption from the painful family history passes through the formation of the De Filippo trio, a dream cherished for years by Eduardo and his brothers and finally realized, overcoming difficulties and conflicts. The De Filippo story is that of a family wound that is transformed into art. And of three young people, who, by joining forces, give life to a completely new way of telling reality with a gaze that reaches into the future.

April 9, 2024

6:30 pm: Perfetti Sconosciuti

Ognuno di noi ha tre vite: una pubblica, una privata ed una segreta. Un tempo quella segreta era ben protetta nell’archivio della nostra memoria, oggi nelle nostre sim. Cosa succederebbe se quella minuscola schedina si mettesse a parlare? Una brillante commedia sull’amicizia, sull’amore e sul tradimento, che porterà sette amici a confrontarsi e a scoprire di essere “Perfetti sconosciuti”.

April 17, 2024

6:30 pm: Grazie Ragazzi

Antonio is a passionate but often unemployed actor. Faced with a lack of job offers, he accepts a job as a teacher of a theater workshop in a penitentiary institution. Hesitant at first, he discovers talent in the unlikely company of prisoners and this rekindles his passion and desire to do theatre. Antonio manages to convince the prison director to stage Samuel Beckett's famous play Waiting for Godot on a real theater stage. Day after day the inmates let themselves go, discovering the liberating power of art and its ability to give purpose and hope beyond expectation.

When the final green light arrives, will the tour be successful? ;

April 25, 2024

6:30 pm: Short Film Program

Eternal Rest
Chiara, a 10-year-old girl, throws a stone at her little brother. Frightened, she runs away and hides at grandma Enza's house; to distract her, the woman will tell her a ghost story revealing an important truth.

The Sea That Moves Things
Massimo is the owner of a beach resort where he lives with his wife and two daughters. Everything has changed since he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The encounter with an African boy will give him the opportunity to understand that he is still able to care for others.   

Lost Traces   
An old inspector and a clumsy assistant investigate the mysterious missing of an elderly man. There aren’t traces of his family and a kidnapping is suspected. To solve the mystery they’ll need to go further through their family history, missing loved ones and illnesses that nurture memories.   

From heaven, a father manages to video-call his son.   

Just As Well   
Peppe, a nurse from Naples, helps his girlfriend Anna to move to the town where she is going to work as a teacher. On a warm September afternoon, the couple will try to figure out what will become of their young love story..   

Zena and her son Maurizio never miss an evening TV show where participants have to guess family relationships based on common traits. When she mentions her wish to take part in the show, her son tries to dissuade her, but only because he has a secret he can’t confess.   

The Snow Will Cover All Things   
In a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, a couple struggles to find balance while waiting for an outcome that could change their lives.   

Teo and his grandmother Alda start accepting online orders to restore the business of their flower shop. When they have to handle the correspondence of two lovers, Teo will feel very involved in the fate of this love story.   

April 4-25, 2024

University of Missouri,
Student Union Theatre, Room 103,
5100 Cherry Street,
Kansas City, MO 64110.

Click here for More Information