
Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce News - September 5, 2022

Clubs and Organizations

September 7, 2022

From: Lanesboro Chamber of Commerce

Our local playwright has been busy crafting a new script for "Roma, Norskies and Bumtown 1935," a Pop-up Play that will give audiences a glimpse into life in Lanesboro in the 1930s. A unique theatre experience, audience members move through town to enjoy scenes of the play in different locations. We hope you can help us highlight this upcoming event.

Thank you for your consideration -- please let me know if you'd like to discuss details further - wishing you a great week!

Best Regards,


“Roma, Norskies and Bumtown 1935” is this fall’s History Alive Lanesboro production and will be presented during two weekends in September, Sept. 17 and 18 and Sept. 24 and 25. Two productions of this “Pop-Up Play” will be held each day, the first at 1 p.m. and the second at 3 p.m. The play will begin at the Sons of Norway Lodge, located at 200 South Parkway, in Lanesboro. The audience moves around Lanesboro to enjoy this unique theater experience. Character guides lead the spectators to outdoor and indoor scenes, in locations where the actual events took place. Admission for these plays is free, but donations are encouraged.

'Pop-up Plays’ provide glimpse into 1930s Lanesboro

Lanesboro, Minn, Sept. 1, 2022 -- History will come alive in Lanesboro once again this fall. History Alive Lanesboro, a local non-profit theater organization, will present a new “Pop-up Play” during two weekends in September, Sept. 17 and 18 and Sept. 24 and 25. The show, “Roma, Norskies and Bumtown 1935,” will be presented twice each day, the first production at 1 p.m. and the second at 3 p.m. Each will begin at the Sons of Norway Lodge, located at 200 South Parkway, in Lanesboro.

This year’s production will take audiences to a variety of historic scenes that were once part of 1930s Lanesboro. Experience a local Roma, or gypsy camp, from the perspective of an elder’s memories. Watch a lively local Norwegian play from 1935. Meet Cyclone Johnson, a local “character,” as well as Cecil Ward, a local journalist and movie projectionist. 

Scenes will introduce audience members to farmers, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers,and hobos as they portray the Great Depression. Another highlight is a peek into the President’s birthday ball. These scenes are filled with a variety of live music, costumes, dance and transportation from the era. The cast of “Roma, Norskies and Bumtown 1935” includes 35 area actors, musicians and singers. 

The stories shared through these “Pop-up Plays” are based on interviews with local residents and research in historic local newspapers. The information is then woven into a script by playwright and artistic director Jane Peck. This is the seventh “pop-up play” produced by History Alive Lanesboro and written by Peck. She has created, toured and taught active history shows in the Twin Cities and across Minnesota for many years before moving to Lanesboro and continues her passion for history in her new hometown.

The audience moves around Lanesboro to enjoy this unique theater experience. Character guides lead the spectators to outdoor and indoor scenes, in locations where the actual events took place. While the performances begin at the Lanesboro Sons of Norway Lodge, additional scenes are held throughout the historic buildings and spaces over a four-block area. All locations are handicapped accessible with the first scene allowing audience members to be seated indoors. All shows will move indoors in case of rain and follow the CDC advice.

Admission for these plays is free, but donations are encouraged. The productions are partially underwritten by the family of Beatrice Teigen Burmeister who lived these stories in Lanesboro. The plays are also partially funded by Lanesboro Area Community Foundation and other generous donors. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeast Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.