
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News: May 30, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

May 30, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Dear friend ,

Committees will complete their work this week, so all the last stragglers will get votes or get carried over to next session. A couple of our top priorities both have votes on Thursday - childcare systems improvement and paid family and medical leave. A couple of others - especially preserving and expanding access to abortion - don't have work sessions yet. At this point in the session the requirement to give notice for hearings has been dropped, so votes can come at any time. 

At this point in the session, everything is coming out of committee and headed to the floor of the House and Senate for votes. Bills that require funding will then head to Appropriations, the committee pulling together the final budget. The Legislature is aiming to complete all of their work by June 21 (!!).

The Paid Family and Medical Leave hearing last week was inspiring, uplifting (and okay, a little enraging). Huge thanks and love to the hundreds of folks who joined us in person, on Zoom, and sent in testimony from all over the state.

Opposition arguments were focused on the business impact but we focused on the impact to our community members when they don't have leave, and the impossible choices Mainers are making *right now* - returning to work still bleeding after having a baby, missing a beloved parent's passing, losing employment and financial security. 

The current proposal is the result of two years worth of work, study, and negotiation, with all stakeholders at the table, and we need to be sure that it doesn't get watered down at the last minute. You can ask your legislators to stay strong and support the current PFML plan here. 

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

PS - We will be rocking our Pride *in person* at festivals in Brunswick, Presque Isle, Portland and Bangor - join us to parade and table! 

Weekly Calendar

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here. This month, the full House and Senate convene: 

May 30 and June 1

June 6, 7, 8

June 13, 14, 15

June 20, 21, 22

May 31

9:00 - PH - a couple of bills related to Tribal/state relations, including Rep. Dana's bill, An Act Regarding the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission (LD 1679). 

June 1

1:00 - LD 1726 - WS An Act to Build Maine's Economy by Supporting Child Care for Working Families (Jackson) 

1:00 - LD 1964 - WS - An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Develop a Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program (Daughtry) 

**Not sure about the difference between a PH (public hearing) and a WS (work session)? Check out our How-To here!

People Power Hour: Legislative Update and Poem Circle

June 14 / 6 PM 

We will share legislative updates, and have a  discussion circle on A Litany for Survival by Audre Lorde. Register here!

Blue Jay Coffee Hour

July 15, 10-1:00pm

Blue Jay Coffee, Lewiston

Enjoy coffee and treats, and connect with new and old friends about feminism, policy, and more. Facebook event updates here.

Power, Purpose, and Peonies 

July 20 / 5:30 - 8:00

Join us for our End of Session Celebration at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough. Learn more about the event here.

Citizen Advocacy Toolkit

It's time for PRIDE! 

Our staff are super-duper queer and Pride means a lot to us. We'll be marching and tabling in Brunswick, Portland, Preque Isle, and Bangor - and we would LOVE to have you join us! 

Can you march with us and help hold our fabulous banner from the Artists' Rapid Response Team? Can you help staff our table to make sure folks learn about our work and how to get involved? 

Get involved here!

Equality Maine has this great calendar with Pride events across the state (33 towns at last count ). 

MWL Bill Tracker

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Testimony Archive

Citizen Advocacy Toolkit