
Mohave County News - County Workshop Discussion on FY 2023-2024 Budget

Government and Politics

May 9, 2023

From: County of Mohave

Mohave County, AZ - The Mohave County Board of Supervisors held its FY2023-2024 Budget workshop at 9:30AM on May 3, 2023. Mohave County Manager Sam Elters and Chief Financial Officer Luke Mournian presented the FY2023-2024 preliminary budget, noting the significant and ongoing effects of inflation on County operations.

Issues discussed with the Board included the economic outlook through the end of FY2024, potential options to generate new or diversified revenue streams, the county’s Capital Improvement program, and a number of proposals related to employee recruitment and retention.

Superior Court Presiding Judge Steven Moss and County Attorney Matt Smith seized the opportunity to address the Board during the “Elected Officials” portion of the workshop, voicing a number of issues their departments are currently facing.

The FY2023-2024 Budget Workshop is available for viewing at this LINK on Mohave County’s YouTube channel:


A Tentative budget is set to be adopted in early June, with Final budget hearing and adoption scheduled for July 17th, 2023.