
New Voter Information Cards Mailed To Seminole County Voters

Government and Politics

June 29, 2022

From: Seminole County Government

Redistricting, the nationwide process of updating the district maps to balance the population, has been completed and as a result may have changed the polling place for Seminole County voters.

Seminole County voters should be receiving their new voter information card in the mail soon, if they have not already received it. The voter information card contains voters’ updated districts, precinct, and polling place information for the August 23rd Primary and November 8th General Elections. Voter information cards are for
informational purposes only and are not required to vote. To view the state approved forms of photo/signature ID visit www.voteseminole.org/faqs.

To avoid any possible confusion at the polls, voters should carefully review the information listed on their new voter information card as their polling place may have changed. Voters are also encouraged to verify that their name, address, and party affiliation are up to date. The deadline to register to vote or change your party
affiliation for the August 23rd Primary Election is Monday, July 25th. Seminole County voters can always look up their voter record or request a vote-by-mail ballot by visiting www.voteseminole.org.

Seminole County voters can always verify if mail they have received is from the Supervisor of Elections Office by looking for the official election mail logo, viewed below, and by visiting www.officialelectionmail.org.

For more information on redistricting, visit www.voteseminole.org/redistricting-faqs.