Government and Politics
July 30, 2024
The 2024 MT GOP Platform calls for “relinquishing” federal lands
Helena, MT – Transplant Tim Sheehy and the Montana GOP support transferring public lands, which would make it easier to sell off public lands to multimillionaire out-of-staters like Sheehy.
The Montana GOP party platform includes a plank that states: “The Montana Republican Party supports relinquishing federally managed public lands to the states in order to secure statehood equality and provide for better management of public lands.” Sheehy attended and spoke at the Montana GOP platform convention last month.
This language mirrors Sheehy’s calls to transfer public lands. Sheehy said, “Local control has to be returned [...] Local control will almost always produce better results than a federal mandate from bureaucrats.”
Calling to transfer public lands is the “third rail” of Montana policy positions – 83% of Montanans say that conservation issues are a matter they consider at the polls, because Montanans know that land transfers threaten the public lands they know and love.
Once again, Sheehy is doing everything he can to change Montana for the worse.