
No-Answer Nella's MAGA Candidate Checklist

Government and Politics

May 21, 2024

Nella checks boxes for extreme national Republicans but is out of touch with New Mexico

No-Answer Nella heads into yet another week refusing to be upfront with voters on the issues most pressing in the 2024 election. 126 days into her campaign for U.S. Senate, the multimillionaire former hedge fund executive has only doubled down on voter concerns that she’s out of touch with New Mexico.

Nella’s candidacy checks some boxes that point to being another failed MAGA candidate too extreme for New Mexico: 

  • Left New Mexico fifty years ago and came back to run for political office after she was recruited by MAGA Trump allies to run for New Mexico’s U.S. Senate seat.

  • Made millions of dollars as a top executive at the world’s largest hedge fund, prioritizing the interests of wealthy elites and Wall Street over the interests of working families.

  • Embraces the national GOP’s extreme MAGA agenda, consistently rejected by New Mexican voters who celebrate our state’s acceptance and diversity. Just days ago, Nella called for “Texas-style reinforced infrastructure,” inspired by Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s deadly use of razor wire on the southern border and even our two states and the MAGA rhetoric that characterizes all immigrants and asylum-seekers as criminals and terrorists.

  • Opposes federal protections for abortion rights and refuses to say where she stands on access to medical abortion care like Mifepristone.

“Nella checks all the boxes of an ideal candidate for national MAGA Republicans and the Wall Street elites she wants to cut taxes for, but is fundamentally out of touch with New Mexicans,” said Democratic Party of New Mexico Spokesperson Daniel Garcia. “No matter how much of her fortune she pours into her campaign or how cozy she is to the national GOP, voters will see that her candidacy and her recent return to the state exudes political opportunism rather than genuine concern for the well-being of New Mexicans.” 

Nella might check key boxes for national MAGA Republicans, but she’s doomed to become yet another failed GOP candidate who is out of touch with New Mexico.