
Ocean County Library's Expanded Online Autism Resources Center

Schools and Libraries

July 25, 2023

From: Ocean County Library

Toms River, NJ - Individuals with autism and their families find access to quality support systems through the Ocean County Library’s online Autism Resources Center. Now, OCL is pleased to announce that the listings are larger and more diversified than ever.

The Library’s pioneering effort offers free listings of responsible professional agencies, nonprofit groups and companies that address needs associated with the autism spectrum. The expanded online menu features:

 - Resources – Autism-related organizations, social media groups, Parenting magazine’s “Best Autism Apps,” digital and print books, a remote-learning guide, augmentative and alternative communication devices, and a sensory cookbook.

 - Community Events – Links to Ocean County Special Needs Registry, Toms River Field of Dreams, Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services, Children’s Specialized Hospital activities and programs for children and adults, Disability Rights New Jersey, NJCSOC Assistive Technology Funds, and PerformCare summer camps.

 - OCL Videos – Recorded, archival presentations given during OCL’s annual Autism Resources Fairs and a virtual “tour” of OCL’s Sensory Spaces, viewable on the Library’s YouTube channel.

 - Sensory Space – Photos and descriptions of the components Sensory Spaces in OCL’s Toms River and Jackson branches, plus a calendar of related events.

 - This Is My Library – Social stories applicable to each OCL branch.

 - Where to Go and What to Do – Recreational, educational, entertainment, and dining venues throughout New Jersey that mindfully provide accommodations for individuals with autism and their families.

OCL staffers regularly update the information with additions of reputable, established organizations dedicated to supporting individuals with autism. See all the current information at www.theoceancountylibrary.org/autism.