
Payomet Performing Arts Center News - Fall 2023

Arts and Entertainment

December 7, 2023

From: Payomet Performing Arts Center


Creative Drama... A Great Way to Improv(e) Your Life!

by Tamara "Tammy" Harper

Improve life? Yes you can, and there is a simple way to start. Take an acting class. You don’t have to be a young person to start. You don’t have to have “acting chops” and years of experience to jump in. You just have to jump in!

No matter your age, the benefits of stepping into the world of the theatre, and the impact this “jump” can have on your life are enormous. Creative drama communicates and encourages the ability to relate effectively with others while developing confidence in self-expression. Through involvement in theatre exercises, movement, mime, improvisation, voice and storytelling, we develop our imaginations, physical coordination and creative problem-solving skills while experiencing the adventure of the dramatic moment.

In the theatre we say “Act / React.” This requires that you be completely present. Being present takes practice. How many times does your mind wander from one topic to another, down a rabbit hole of worry, stress, concern about the future, on and on…with acting, we have to be completely engaged with our partners and present in the moment. When this happens it’s liberating, fun and can be very funny - which is one more benefit of creative drama and improvisation: Laughter. Laugher oxygenates the brain and raises endorphins that make us feel good. Laughing is a positive shared experience, and research shows that positive shared experiences enhance our feelings of belonging and connectedness.

Would you like take the “jump” into acting? Let us know and write [email protected]  or write me, Tamara Harper, directly at [email protected]

CALL FOR WORKS: Two Rivers Rising, a Literary Performance

by Kevin Rice

The two rivers are the Pamet, and the Herring. Most of the pieces will be located in Truro or Wellfeet.

Content: Voices of those who have walked these shores and are passed. They speak from their afterlife.

Structure and style: Written in the 1st person. (I, me, my, We, us, ours)

Themes and Emotions: full range of emotions, can be one thing --- love, hatred, pride, seeking revenge, celebratory ---or show mixed emotions, for example, regrets at action not taken, proposals not made.

“I coulda been a contender.” (regret)

“I lived a good life, raised a good family but died broke.” (pride)

“I loved men, many men, including my husband.” (mixed/remorse)

“I murdered my wife but not for the reason people think.” (revenge)

There is a freedom, an ability to speak a truth from the afterlife that we were afraid to, or otherwise not able to speak while we lived. Perhaps because the truth at that time was too hard to admit, or would have hurt someone. There is a joyfulness to being able to speak the truth. You might say, the truth sings, it’s sometimes so happy to finally find expression. You might say, the truth is happy to be breathed, to be ALIVE, finally. And maybe that is part of the power that this sort of “poem” or song can achieve.

Free verse: this is a poem without a rhyme. Images and point of view: personal, sharp, powerful.

Length: 12-30 lines. Each line should be able to be spoken without getting tongue-tied, flow smoothly.

Music: Each poem a song, or like a song… truth sung to the dance of life.

Note: If you can write a song, a song to be sung, please do. Especially if you can perform it.

Stipend: $20 for the first piece if it is accepted, $15 for each additional. We will accept up to 5 pieces from any one writer. Please do not submit more than that for starters.

If you come to the performance, and perform your piece(s), an additional fee will be paid of $15, plus free noshes/meal at the performance. Performances are free, donation requested of audience toward food.

Dates for submission: July 15. We’ll have minimum 2 performances this summer and we hope 2+ in the fall.

Email poems/songs to [email protected]

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