
Plattsmouth Harvest Festival 2023

Arts and Entertainment

August 23, 2023

From: Plattsmouth Harvest Festival

Entering its 92nd year, the Plattsmouth Harvest Festival is the oldest, continuous harvest festival in Nebraska.  Fun for the whole family

Schedule Of Events

All events are subject to change of time or location.

Thursday September 7th,2023

11 AM-1 PM: Plattsmouth Band Parents Food Stand
N 5th St & Main (Samantha Wilson: 402-515-3957)

12 noon-4 PM: Cass County Museum - open
Free admission (Margo Prentiss: 402-296-4770)

3:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Plattsmouth Garden Club Flower Show
Entries Methodist Church 702 Main
(Sharon Muller: 402-298-8312; Karin Forrest: 402-296-6277)

5 PM-9 PM: Plattsmouth Band Parents Food Stand
N 5th & Main (Samantha Wilson: 402-515-3957)

5:30 PM: Royalty Dinner First State Bank
Community Room 5th & Main
(Cindy Dougherty: 402-690-7199)

5:30 PM: River City Carnival Rides Open
(All-evening arm bands $20)

7 PM: Line up for Coronation - 4th & Main

7:30 PM: CORONATION - Entertainment Plaza
4th & Main (Nancy Johnson: 402-297-2384)
Public Reception following Coronation First State Bank
(In case of rain, Coronation & Reception will be held at PHS)

Friday September 8th,2023

8:30 AM: Business Window Display Judging
(Charles Jones: 402-408-3727)

9 AM - 6 PM: Flower Show & Perennial Plant Sale
Methodist Church - 702 Main

9 AM-12 noon: Quilt Entries - Methodist Church

10 AM-4 PM: Quilt Show - Methodist Church
702 Main (Joan Novich: 402-296-5926)

10 AM - 4 PM: Cass County Museum, Farm Bldg & Shed
open 646 Main Free admission

10 AM-4 PM: Cook Log Cabin, Burlington Caboose
& Replica of Lewis and Clark's Pirogue open
E Main Free admission

10 AM-6 PM: 12th Annual Cute Pet Contest
516 Main (sponsored by Henry-Hobscheidt Motors)
(Betty Henry: 402-297-3167; Carol Tilson: 402-943-9959)

11 AM: Food Court / Vendors - Between 3rd & 4th on Main
(Deb Null: 402-516-4914)

11 AM - 3 PM: Corn-tastic Photo Booth (new event)
River House Cafe - 402 Main (Jennifer Roby: 402-651-4308)

11 AM-4 PM: Whole Pie Sale - Cass County Museum
(Proceeds benefit the Cass County Museum's operating fund)

11 AM - 9 PM: Plattsmouth Band Parents Food Stand
N 5th & Main

12 noon: Carnival Rides (All-day arm bands $25)

12 noon: Root Beer Garden - Methodist Church parking lot
(Sharon Smith: 402-297-1612)

12 noon-6 PM: Beautiful Baby Contest - 426 Main
(Susie Nielsen: 402-297-0271;
Stacie Kragness: 402-297-4727)

12 noon: Kiddies Parade line-up
Farmers, Merchants & School Parade line-up
N 4th Street & Ave A
(Tammy Lanum: 402-297-5609)

12:30 PM: Judging of Parade entries

1:00 PM: Welcome - Entertainment Plaza - 4th & Main


1:45 PM: Sweetheart Awards & Pep Rally (after parade)
Entertainment Plaza
(Stacie Kragness: 402-297-4727)

2:15 PM: Balloon Toss - Intersection of 5th & Main
(Kaitlyn Johnson: 402-669-2493;
Rachel Parsons: 402-321-4713)

2:30 PM: Cass County's Got Talent Show
Entertainment Plaza
(Fred & Jill Rollins: 402-871-3891)
(In case of rain, event will be held at VFW)

3 PM - 5 PM: Wildlife Encounters - 6th & Main
(Fred Rollins: 402-306-5844)

3 PM-9 PM: Bingo! (new event) N 5th & Main
(Bill & Linda Worlein: 402-306-5022)

4 PM - Midnight: Cheers Garden Entertainment Plaza
(Jenny Jensen: 402-690-8692)

6:30 PM: Battle of the Bags Cornhole Tournament
Check-In: 5:45 PM at 4th & Main
Register by Sep 5th - https://forms.gle/2CB8iCkLXPqJ919S7
(Chanel Hill: 402-208-6130; Nancy Johnson: 402-297-2384)

8 PM - Midnight: Live Music - Bombshell
(Sponsored by Havenmakers Group)
Cheers Garden - Entertainment Plaza (4th & Main)
(Jenny Jensen: 402-690-8692)
(In case of rain, event will be held at VFW)

Saturday September 9th, 2023

7 AM-10 AM: Plattsmouth Volunteer Fire Department
Pancake Feed - Fire Station (402-296-6041)

9 AM: Registration for Little Miss & Little Master
of Cornland Contest (ages 4-6)
Plattsmouth VFW - Pageant begins 10 AM
(Kirsten Wood: 402-681-6258)

9 AM - 12 noon: Flower Show & Perennial Plant Sale
Garden Related Items Sale
Methodist Church (Pick up entries 12:30 PM)

9 AM-3 PM: Quilt Show - Methodist Church
Quilt Raffle Drawing at 3 PM (Pick up entries 3 PM)

10 AM - 12 noon: Patriotic Scavenger Hunt Registration
Bikes, Trucks, Cars welcome. $20 per participant. Cash
prizes. Starts at Louisville American Legion Post 353,
117 Main Street Ends at Plattsmouth VFW at 4PM
(Todd Hintze: 402-804-4785) (new event)
(Sponsored by the Louisville American Legion Riders)

10 AM - 4 PM: Cass County Museum, Farm Bldg & Shed
open 646 Main - Free admission

10 AM-4 PM: Cook Log Cabin, Burlington Caboose
& Replica of Lewis and Clark's Pirogue - open
E Main Street - Freewill Donation

10 AM - 6 PM: 12th Annual Cute Pet Contest
516 Main (sponsored by Henry-Hobscheidt Motors)
(Betty Henry: 402-297-3167; Carol Tilson: 402-943-9959)

11 AM: In Honor & Remembrance: Ceremony of Final
Tribute Patriotic Flag Burning - Veterans Memorial
4th & Main (Kermit Reisdorph: 402-297-6196)

11 AM: Food / Vendors - Between 3rd & 4th on Main
(Deb Null: 402-516-4914)

11 AM-4 PM: Whole Pie Sale Cass County Museum
(Proceeds benefit the Cass County Museum's operating fund)

11 AM-9 PM: Corn-tastic Photo Booth (new event)
River House Cafe 402 Main (Jennifer Roby: 402-651-4308)

11 AM-9 PM: Plattsmouth Band Parents Food Stand
N 5th & Main

11 AM - Midnight: Cheers Garden
Entertainment Plaza (Jenny Jensen: 402-690-8692)

12 noon: Big Wheel Bike Races 6th & Main
(Tom & Cindy Dougherty: 402-690-7199)

12 noon: Carnival Rides (All-day arm bands - $25)
Root Beer Tent Methodist Church parking lot

12 noon-5 PM: Beautiful Baby Contest - 426 Main
(Susie Nielsen: 402-297-0271;
Stacie Kragness: 402-297-4727)

12:30 PM: Little Tuggers Peddle Tractor Pull
(ages 4-12 years) - 4th & Main (Denny Keil: 402-658-1121)
(In case of rain, event held at PSB Drive-Thru, 5th & Main)

1 PM - 5 PM: Bingo! (new event) - N. 5th & Main
(Bill & Linda Worlein: 402-306-5022)

2 PM: Cake Walk - Between 5th & 6th on Main
(Kari Casey: 402-297-5001; Roger Wiles: 402-297-2004)

3 PM: Slow Motorcycle Race 3rd St between Main & 1st
(Todd Hintze: 402-804-4785)

4 PM-5 PM: Wildlife Encounters 6th & Main
(Fred Rollins: 402-306-5844)

4 PM: Grand Parade line up Washington Ave & Ave A
(Brian Harvey: 402-306-6051)

5 PM: Judging of Floats

5:15 PM: Optimist Cow Chip Drop N 6th & Ave A
(Dan Wehrbein: 402-298-8445)

5:30 PM: Welcome, Awards Presentations &
Introduction of Grand Marshal - Entertainment Plaza
(Stacie Kragness: 402-297-4727)


7 PM - 9 PM: Bingo! (new event) - N. 5th & Main
(Bill & Linda Worlein: 402-306-5022)

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM: Wildlife Encounters - 6th & Main
(Fred Rollins: 402-306-5844)

8 PM - Midnight: Live Music with High Heel the Band
Cheers Garden - Entertainment Plaza (4th & Main)
(In case of rain, event will be held at VFW)

Sunday September 10th, 2023

8 AM-1 PM: Fly-In / Drive-In Breakfast
Plattsmouth Airport Served by Eagles
(Bellevue Eagles' Club)

8 AM - 12 noon: Young Eagle Flights
Plattsmouth Airport (Edmond Kirker: 402-871-8971)

11 AM - 12 Noon: Sign-up for Horseshoe Tournament
Rhylander Park Starts at 12 Noon
(Sponsored by DC Waterhole)
(Danny Covert: 402-305-6731;
Denise Covert Zych: 402-651-1144)

12 noon - 4 PM: Cass County Museum, Farm Bldg & Shed
open - 646 Main - Free admission

12 noon-4 PM: Cook Log Cabin, Burlington Caboose
& Replica of Lewis and Clark's Pirogue
E Main St Free admission

4:30 PM - 6 PM: Free Community Meal, Games & Family
Activities Rhylander Park
(Hosanna Lutheran Church: 402-296-2662)

Date: September 7-10, 2023

Location: Various Venues

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