
Pleasanton Public Library: Libby App Latest Update

Schools and Libraries

July 14, 2022

From: Pleasanton Public Library

Pleasanton Public Library: Libby App Latest Update

Hello Pleasanton Library card holders,

On Wednesday, July 20, we will attempt to reconnect our new computer system with the Libby app and the Northern California Digital Library. While we hope this connection goes as smoothly as possible, Libby staff have informed us that some data (hold lists, history, checkouts) may be lost on some user accounts during this process. 

To help prepare for this, we recommend that you:

- Save your account history (For directions, click here: https://help.overdrive.com/en-us/1137.htm

- Screenshot your holds

- Finish your current checkouts 

- If you happen lose your place in line on hold lists and wish to restore your place in line after July 20, please submit a ticket here: https://pleasantonlibrary.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Once the connection is complete, your new Libby PIN will be the last four numbers of your primary phone number on file at the Pleasanton Library. If you wish to change this PIN, please contact the Pleasanton Library after July 20.

Thank you for your patience and support as we work to connect these systems.

Pleasanton Library Staff