
Reparations Class At Forbes Library

Schools and Libraries

September 28, 2023

From: Forbes Library

Would you welcome an opportunity to learn more about reparations for African Americans? A free 5-session class, called The Stolen Beam, will be held online this fall, sponsored by Forbes Library in a series developed and facilitated by members of the Reparations Committee of the Jewish Community of Amherst.

The goal of this course is to provide educational engagement and personal reflection on the topic of reparations for African Americans, with a focus on the legacy of African enslavement and 400 years of anti-Black racism. We consider what was stolen, what may be owed, historical examples of reparations, current challenges and controversies, and faith-based reparations statements and examples. The class materials offer participants a fuller perspective on US history, one that many of us never learned, that centers on the historical and lived experience of African-Americans. The class asks participants to consider the case for reparations as a remedy for past injustice and continued harms to descendants of enslaved African people, and as a concrete response to the ongoing racial wealth gap in this country. Finally, the Stolen Beam series offers participants an opportunity to engage heads and hearts, in a spirit of deep listening and reflection, honest and respectful sharing, that for some becomes a journey of discovery and transformation.  Each class offers both readings as well as videos or audio recordings of the authors being discussed that week that participants are encouraged to review in preparation for that week’s discussion. Please note: this is not a lecture class but rather a highly participatory  experience based on active discussion.

The class meets on Zoom for five consecutive Tuesdays: November 7, 14, 21, 28, and December 5 from 7:00 -8:20 PM with the last class going from 7:00 -8:50 PM and there is no fee to participate. Register at forbeslibrary.org/events or by calling 413-587-1011. Registration will open October 2 and close when full or up until the 13th.