
Tempe Public Safety Fall 2022 Newsletter

Government and Politics

September 16, 2022

From: City of Tempe

A Message from Deputy Chief Kyle Carman

Hello, and thank you for your interest in the latest edition of our public safety newsletter.  We are always looking for opportunities to educate the public with prevention tips to keep our community safe.  This quarter’s newsletter features interesting information from Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department, Tempe Police Department, and the City of Tempe’s Emergency Manager.  It also features a great firehouse-style recipe.  Just as a friendly reminder: ensure your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are in proper working order.  Tragedies occur every year and fire prevention plays a huge role in keeping us safe.  We are grateful to serve our community every day and will always be here when you need us.

Kyle Carman
Deputy Chief
Tempe Fire Medical Rescue

Tempe's new safety measures safeguarding people around water

On Aug. 18, the City of Tempe announced new measures to safeguard people around bodies of water in honor of Sean Bickings, who drowned on May 28. These measures will include placing rescue devices around Tempe Town Lake and Kiwanis Lake along with each Tempe Police officer being trained and issued a throw bag for water emergencies.

On Saturday, Aug. 27, Tempe Police responded to the southside of Tempe Town Lake for an adult male struggling in the water after falling off of his paddleboard. The first officer on scene deployed their new throw bag/floatation device and pulled him to safety.

"This outcome is the result of good training and equipment for our officers to effectively save a life," said Chief Jeff Glover.

Watch the rescue

TFMRD earns sixth CFAI accreditation

Tempe Fire Medical Rescue recently earned its sixth accreditation from the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI.)

Accreditation is an international recognition of achievement that is centered around continuous improvement through data-driven performance indicators. The self-assessment model that is completed is verified and validated by peer assessors from around the world.

There are 301 accredited agencies around the world, with 114 also having an ISO rating of 1. Since 2019, TFMRD has held both designations.

Under the original vision and leadership of retired Fire Chief Cliff Jones, the department agreed to become the “alpha” test site for accreditation. In 1997, TFMRD became the first internationally accredited fire department, with re-accreditation happening every five years since.

Please join us in congratulating all the men and women of Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department for all of their dedication and hard work as they continuously strive to provide the highest level of service to the community!

Watch the accreditation

Click Here For More Information About Tempe Public Safety Fall 2022 Newsletter