
The Gilded Age Cookbook Blends Delicious Recipes With Artistry And History

Arts and Entertainment

October 5, 2023

Food writer Becky Libourel Diamond transports readers to a time of lavish banquet tables draped in snow-white linen and set with delicate china and sparkling crystal drinkware in her new book, The Gilded Age Cookbook: Recipes and Stories from America’s Golden Era.  

In it, Diamond dishes up delicious recipes for timeless favorites like rich soups, juicy roasts and irresistible desserts updated for modern kitchens. Peppered with details and entertaining stories of celebrities from the era, such as the Vanderbilts and Astors, The Gilded Age Cookbook is perfect for foodies, history buffs, pop culture enthusiasts and anyone with an appreciation for the epicurean pleasures associated with the Gilded Age.

“Culinary roles for women and minorities became more significant during this timeframe, and innovative technologies such as kitchen appliances and packaged food were game changers,” Diamond said. 

With a tasteful combination of easy-to-follow recipes, artistry and history, readers can expect to get a good sense of what the Gilded Age looked (and tasted) like through The Gilded Age Cookbook.

“A beautifully designed and photographed cookbook, filled with intriguing stories. The parties and events may have been excessive, but the classic recipes here look simple and doable to make,” said Dianne Jacob, author of Will Write for Food.