
The Mystic and Noank Library - Fall Local Authors Writing Workshop Series and Historical Fiction Panel

Schools and Libraries

September 28, 2022

From: The Mystic and Noank Library

Fall Local Authors Writing Workshop Series & Historical Fiction Panel

Fall Local Authors Writing Workshop Series

Welcome to our next installation of writing workshops, hosted and taught by local authors, organized and sponsored by the Mystic & Noank Library! This fall, all of our authors will teach about writing historical fiction. Register for each workshop separately. Then join us on Thursday November 3 for a historical fiction panel, where our authors will answer questions about the genre, their experiences as authors, getting published, and more! Books will be available for purchase there. All programs in the series can be attended virtually by registering here.

Crafting Dialogue for Historical Fiction with Jim Friedlander

Thursday, October 13 from 6:00 to 7:30 | Register here

Join Jim Friedlander in this writing workshop all about crafting dialogue between historical fiction characters. Participants will be asked to create two characters and write a bit of dialogue that tells the reader some important information about those characters. The way characters speak can elucidate their class, education, and where they were raised, and provide plot information like past events or how characters arrived in their present scene.

Finding and Using Primary Sources in Historical Fiction with L.M. Jorden

Thursday, October 20 from 6:00 to 7:30 | VIRTUAL ONLY

Learn from local author L.M. Jorden about how researching voices from the past can help us create a captivating novel. Acts of bravery, kindness, or lies, deceit and scandals--true accounts of people from the past provide plenty of material for a novel. In this workshop, we'll discuss finding and using primary and some secondary documents, such as diaries, letters, yearbooks, photos, and travelers' accounts. Then we'll practice crafting these into compelling stories with memorable characters.

What Makes a Believable Character? with Karen Warfield

Thursday, October 27 from 6:00 to 7:30 | Register here

Good, bad, or indifferent, what makes a character believable to the reader? In this workshop with author Karen Warfield, we'll explore the many aspects of character development. Whether your character is the protagonist, antagonist, or orbital, they must ring true to the reader. Much like within a family structure, your characters must be nurtured to reach their full potential. Some key elements of the workshop will focus on name selection, identifying physical and emotional traits, and backstory influences.

Local Authors Panel: Researching, Writing & Publishing Historical Fiction

Thursday, November 3 from 6:00 to 7:30 | Register here

You've learned about the craft of writing historical fiction at our guest authors' workshops this fall. Now bring all your lingering questions about the genre, what it takes to start (and finish!) a novel, and get your book published at this panel with local authors Jim Friedlander, L.M. Jorden, and Karen Warfield. Writing from different time periods and settings, the authors will discuss favorite books and sources of inspiration, the ins and outs of their experiences drafting historical fiction on and off the page, their perspectives on the unique conventions of the genre, and any future books they're working on currently. Copies of the authors' books will be available for purchase.

Contact us by phone during our operating hours at 860-536-7721. View the Library catalog on our website www.mysticnoanklibrary.org to place holds on materials or to sign up for digital programming.

Our operating hours for these services are from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday and Wednesday and 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.