
The National Audubon Society Announced Recently That it Would Not Change its Name

Clubs and Organizations

April 8, 2023

From: The Connecticut Audubon Society

The "Audubon" Name

Some Audubon Societies across the country have recently decided to change their names, among other reasons because of the slave-owning legacy of John James Audubon. Those include Portland, Oregon, Chicago, and New York City.

The National Audubon Society announced recently that it would not change its name.

Connecticut Audubon is not affiliated with those organizations. Our internal discussions about John James Audubon’s legacy are ongoing. It is an issue we take seriously, and while we have no timetable for making a decision, we will continue to consult and deliberate.

We have more about this issue on our website. You can read about it Here.

Young, Gifted and Wild About Birds wraps up for 2023 with a fascinating inside look at the important tools for bird research being developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Kathi Borgmann, Ph.D., the communications manager for the Cornell Lab, will talk about "From Sound Recording to eBird Status and Trends Maps: How Citizen Science Informs Bird Conservation."

It's scheduled for Thursday, April 13, 7 p.m.

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The 125th Anniversary 125-Bird Challenge is on!

Learn more Here.

And if you want to sign up (it's free), email us at [email protected].

This will be fun!

“Something must be done besides saying, ‘Don’t wear feathers and don’t shoot birds.’ "

Our latest dig into the archives from the founding of the Connecticut Audubon Society 125 years ago unearths the first education program for children.

Click Here to read more.

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