
The New York Baroque Dance Company Newsletter - May 15, 2024

Arts and Entertainment

May 25, 2024

Opera Gene (Best Photos of production)

Washington Classical Review

Washington Post

Summer Workshop Planning for August

Stay in tune as Jennifer Meller and I will release news very soon!

In celebrating the Bicentennial of Lafayette's Farewell Tour, Julia Bengtsson and Alan Jones have been awarded a grant from the CND ( Centre national de la danse is an institution sponsored by the French Ministry of Culture. It studies dance in all its aspects, and is located in Pantin, in northeastern Paris.). They are researching and creating a dance program for the NYBDC to be a part of a tour celebrating Lafayette's contribution to the young United States. Look for more news as we go forward with this exciting project. Congratulations Julia and Alan!!!

Please support our activities today. We need ongoing support for administration and for rehearsal costs related to the

Bicentennial of Lafayette's Farewell Tour.

Donation Link