
To Celebrate the New York City Labor Day Parade, Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Improve the Safety and Prosperity of Workers in New York State

Government and Politics

September 7, 2024

From: New York Governor Kathy Hochul
S.8358C/A.8947C Establishes the “Retail Worker Safety Act”, Requiring Retail Worker Employers To Develop and Implement Programs To Prevent Workplace Violence

S.5085C/A.4066B Requires Auto Manufacturers To Fully Compensate Franchised Motor Vehicle Dealers for Repairs Made Under Warranty Service

A.9265A/S.8608A Requires Contractors and Subcontractors Working on Public Projects To Submit Payrolls to Department of Labor; Directs Department To Create a Public Database

S.8551/A.9349, S.8557/A.9386 S.8216A/A.8876, S.5500B/A.6146B, S.8948/A.9935 Enhances Civil Service Protections and Expands Workers’ Rights and Eligibility for Advancement

To celebrate the New York City Labor Day Parade, Governor Kathy Hochul signed eight pieces of legislation aimed at protecting New York State’s workforce as well as improving their ability to grow and prosper in New York State.

“Coming from a union family, I know how critical organized labor is to building a strong middle class,” Governor Hochul said. “As we celebrate Sep 7th’s Labor Day Parade in New York City, we are strengthening our commitment to working families and letting them know we have their backs every step of the way.”

S.8358C/A.8947C establishes the Retail Worker Safety Act, which requires retail employers to provide training and information to employees to prevent workplace violence based on a model workplace violence prevention training program produced by the State’s Department of Labor. Additionally, retail employers of 500 employees or more statewide must provide access to a silent alarm for retail employees in need of emergency assistance.

Assemblymember Karines Reyes said, “I am thankful for Governor Hochul's decision to sign this important legislation. This landmark legislation will guarantee a critical part of New York's essential workforce, retail workers, with the necessary protections to create safer work environments. As retail workers face hostile customers and those seeking to commit retail theft, they need the basic tools to deescalate situations and seek help. This new law allows the NYS Department of Labor to provide a foundation for this vital support and mandates that employers make greater contributions to securing their workforce. I welcome the positive impact that this legislation will have on our workforce and economy, and thank the RWDSU and the many workers that have advocated for this bill's enactment."

S.5085C/A.4066B requires automobile manufacturers to reimburse dealerships according to retail labor time guides, rather than manufacturer-produced time guides that often underestimate labor time for warranty repairs.

A.9265A/S.8608A requires contractors and subcontractors working on covered public projects to submit their payrolls or transcripts to a publicly accessible, certified electronic database that will be developed by the Department of Labor.

Assemblymember Harry Bronson said, “As Assembly Labor Chair, my priority is to ensure that every worker is paid fairly and there is transparency when public money is invested in projects. The Electronic Payroll Bill, which I worked on with Senator Ramos, mandates that payroll and payroll records on public jobs are public information and gives the Department of Labor resources to track these payments and take action against bad actors. I thank the Governor for signing this bill into law which protects both workers and public funds, as well as providing greater fairness and transparency in public projects.”

S.5500B/A.6146B requires state agencies responding to a freedom of information request for public employee disciplinary records to develop a policy to notify the employee of the request.

State Senator James Skoufis said, “This legislation very simply provides notice to our police officers, corrections officers, firefighters and other public servants when their disciplinary records have been requested under the freedom of information law. I thank the Governor for signing S.5500 and adding this new, fair standard to the process."

Assemblymember Marianne Buttenschon said, “I want to thank Governor Hochul for signing this important piece of legislation that provides the safety of all state employees.”

S.8216A/A.8876 will allow applicants to take relevant competitive civil service exams within 12 months of reaching the required age or educational requirements for that position.

S.8551/A.9349 requires the Department of Civil Service to review and update civil service exam questions no less than every five years.

S.8948/A.9935 requires information regarding judgments about a public employee’s inability to perform their duties due to a disability be provided to the employee and the employee’s representative.

S.8557/A.9386 allows for a public employee’s provisional credit to qualify for a promotional civil service examination for appointment from an eligible list.

State Senator Robert Jackson said, “On Sep 7th, marks a landmark victory as we elevate New York's workforce. With the signing of S8216, S8551, S8948 and S8557 into law, we champion fairness, advance transparency and embrace opportunity. We are reshaping our civil service to mirror the current landscape, fortifying worker protections, and broadening career horizons. Together, we are setting the stage for a future where our workforce is not only prepared but inspired to propel our State to new heights.”

Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato said, “A career in labor is an extraordinary opportunity — it’s the way we can build up and expand our middle class. These bills help achieve that goal through new opportunities and protections for the hardworking men and women of our State. Thank you to the unions for their advocacy, and thank you Governor Hochul for signing these important bills into law.”

New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento said, “Governor Hochul is not just walking side-by-side with our members in Sep 7th's parade; she does it daily through her actions. The bills signed into law will improve the lives of our members and all working people. I commend the Governor for partnering with our Movement's public sector, private sector, building trades unions and the New York State AFL-CIO to build a better and stronger state for all hardworking New Yorkers.”

AFL-CIO New York City Central Labor Council President Vincent Alvarez said, “This package of bills signed by the Governor includes meaningful legislation that will significantly improve the lives of retail workers, public service workers, building and construction trades workers and autoworkers throughout our City. As we march up Fifth Avenue today in celebration of working people, we’re grateful to the Governor, the New York State Legislature, and our colleagues in Labor who worked to bring these bills over the finish line.”

New York State Building Trades President Gary LaBarbera said, “Hardworking New Yorkers, particularly those in unions, prop up our economy, society, and the success of our future generations through the ways they fill critical needs and support their families, making it imperative that we continue to ensure that they have fair and safe working conditions. A key component of this is preventing employers from taking advantage of their workers and instilling more dignified wage practices. This is why we applaud Governor Hochul for signing a bill that requires contractors to be transparent about their payrolls as a part of this legislative package, as it will only create more accountability amongst employers and help ensure workers are properly compensated, improving the livelihoods of thousands of middle-class New Yorkers and their families.”

Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Mary E. Sullivan said, “We applaud Governor Hochul for signing this legislative package into law. These new laws will enhance career advancement opportunities, broaden the applicant pool and guarantee fair and relevant testing for public sector jobs. This legislation builds on the Governor’s ongoing commitment to strengthen the public sector workforce, including changes to Tier 6 in this year’s Budget. These reforms will help ensure that New York has the public sector workforce necessary to provide residents with the critical services and programs that they need.”

NYSUT President Melinda Person said, “Public servants are the lifeblood of our State and indispensable members of our school communities. Removing unnecessary barriers to their success on the civil service exam is common sense if we want to recruit New York’s best and brightest to these vital roles. We are proud of the NYSUT members who made their voices heard to get these bills passed in Albany, and we applaud the Legislature and Governor Hochul for working to strengthen the workforce that protects, teaches and supports our students and their families.”

NYS Public Employees Federation President Wayne Spence said, “On behalf of the 54,000 members of the New York State Public Employees Federation, we appreciate Governor Hochul’s support of these important bills. The laws will expand due process rights for public employees and make sensible changes to New York State’s civil service system. They are critical as we work to address the continued staffing issues across state agencies. Governor Hochul has been a great partner in working towards common sense solutions that benefit taxpayers, the State, and its public employees.”

Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union President Stuart Appelbaum said, “Retail workers — and shoppers — across New York will be safer because of this law. We are grateful that Governor Hochul has focused on preventing retail violence and theft this legislative session. Retail workers should not have to go to work every day in fear; and this law goes a long way towards ending that. The Retail Worker Safety Act provides for preventative measures that will help deter violence and harassment before it starts; and most importantly, will assist workers in getting help quickly in the event of an emergency. From West Hempstead to Buffalo, union workers have suffered grave losses to senseless store shootings. The provisions in this bill can help to save lives, and with Governor Hochul’s support and swift implementation, we know we will all be safer. Thank you to the Governor for signing this important bill into law today, to our Bill Sponsors Senator Jessica Ramos and Assemblymember Karines Reyes, and all the co-sponsors of the RWSA for supporting this urgently needed retail worker protection law.”

NYS Conference of Operating Engineers President Thomas A. Callahan said, “The Electronic Certified Payroll Bill levels the playing field for good union contractors, creating a tool to expose the unscrupulous contractors who cheat their workers. The NYS Conference of Operating Engineers would like to thank Governor Hochul for signing the bill into law and both bill sponsors, Assemblyman Harry Bronson and Senator Jessica Ramos, for passing this historic legislation.”

Uniformed Fire Officers Association President James Brosi said, “We thank Governor Hochul for signing S5500. Firefighters are held to a high standard. This standard does not mean that we should be unprotected by common sense, fairness and due process. This bill will assure that those who work in public safety are notified of inquiries into their records, providing an opportunity for civil servants to explain accusations that are often unwarranted.”

New York City District Council of Carpenters Executive Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Geiger said, “Creating an online statewide, certified payroll electronic system is long overdue and the District Council thanks Governor Hochul, Senator Ramos, and Assemblymember Bronson for this important step forward. It will make it much more difficult for unscrupulous contractors to cheat while giving those at the forefront of protecting workers and taxpayer money an invaluable tool to hold lawbreakers accountable.”

UFA local 94 Vice President Bobby Eustace said, “When it comes to protecting members rights, the pensions they've earned and investing in future Civil Servants, The UFA is proud to support this legislation, and we thank bill Sponsors Stacey Pheffer Amato, Bob Jackson and Governor Hochul for passing and signing this Legislation info law.”

UAW Local 259 President Brian Schneck said, “The UAW is proud to have led the fight for the passage of this legislation. This bill is monumental and will add $900 million to New York’s taxable wage base while putting money in New Yorker’s pockets, not multinational corporations. New York State has effectively increased the weekly earnings for both union and non-union Technicians. New York State is living up to our State motto Excelsior, we are slamming the door shut on this egregious example of corporate greed. Highly skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced Technicians no longer have the vehicle manufacturers ripping off their labor, today, economic justice prevails!”