
Town Of Barkhamsted : Property Revaluation - 2023

Government and Politics

December 21, 2022

From: Town Of Barkhamsted

The town of Barkhamsted has awarded Vision Government Solutions the contract to provide services for the Revaluation of all real property located in town for the October 1, 2023 Grand List.

The data collection phase of this revaluation is beginning at the end of December 2022.  Please read the 2023 Revaluation Introduction document for additional information.

We need all residential property owners in town to participate in this phase in order to make sure the data is as accurate as possible.  High participation during the data collection phase can also minimize the need for additional inspections, saving the town money.

Please note that the first round of data mailers for the 2023 revaluation will be mailed out next week. 

Thank you all for your assistance!

Carmen Smith, Assessor