
Town Of Dedham News : MassDOT's Local Bottleneck Reduction Program

Government and Politics

May 13, 2022

From: Town Of Dedham

The Local Bottleneck Reduction Program launched in 2021 and is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). This program seeks to fund innovative solutions to address congestion bottlenecks on local roadways to improve traffic flow. Locations for improvement are proposed by municipalities and considered by MassDOT for funding through a competitive application process.

The Engineering Department submitted an application to MassDOT  (with the assistance of BETA Group) in December of 2021. While MassDOT received various applications from cities/towns all over the State, the Town of Dedham was selected for the Fiscal Year 2022 funding round.  The Town of Dedham’s application included the following signalized intersections in the downtown area: High Street and Ames Street/Court Street, High Street and Washington Street/Eastern Avenue and High Street and East Street/Harris Street and High Street at East Street/Harvard Street.

Proposed modifications include the installation of video detection at the intersection of High Street and Ames Street/Court Street; as well as, minor signal retiming and replacement of existing traffic signal controllers, at the three signals included in the application, to implement traffic signal timings that can be adjusted throughout the day with a specific emphasis on the peak periods.  Overall, the proposed improvements are expected to enhance the vehicular operations maintaining the existing lane usage and signal phasing to help reduce bottlenecks, while maintaining pedestrian safety. These proposed modifications, to be installed by MassDOT, are estimated to cost $100,000.

MassDOT anticipates implementing the proposed modifications this summer.

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