
Town of Jackson Newsletter - August 2022

Government and Politics

September 1, 2022

From: Town of Jackson

Town of Jackson Newsletter - August 2022

Stars & Stripes Proclamation

In mid-August the Town received a visit from Jim W. Martin, a Board member and National Outreach Chair for the Stars & Stripes National Museum/ Library and Learning Center. Martin presented the Town of Jackson with a Community/Core Recognition certificate for its ongoing embrace and dedication to the principles of informed citizenship, civility, commitment, and service in our democratic society. This certificate is a part of their National Recognition Campaign. The Stars & Stripes National Museum/Library & Learning Center is the one and only home of the 160 year history and heritage of the nation’s iconic, editorially independent Stars & Stripes Military Newspaper. To read more about the Seven Core Criteria for City Recognition, please click here.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Doing Great, Considering Better 

Last year the Town commissioned a third-party techincal review of its Wastewater Treatment Plant. This summer, Trihydro, LLC, an engineering and environmental consulitng firm based in Laramie, completed a comprehensive study of the Plant's current condition. consideration of regulatory requirements, and potential options for achieving even greater water quality. Working with a team of local water experts from American Rivers, the Conservation District, Ducks Unlimited, Protect our Waters JH, and Wyoming Game & Fish, the plant's operations and potential ways to function even better were considered. Trihydro determined that currently the Plant is maintained well and achieves water quality better than its permitted requirements. The Town is looking to go above and beyond state requirements though, and in coming months will consider the menu of potential recommendations that Trihydro provided including modifying aeration, recycling flow, identifying desired water quality standards, and integration with the County's Water Quality Master Plan. Public Works staff will present findings to Town Council at its September 19 Workshop. 

Thanks Summer Interns!
The Town of Jackson was fortunate to have several talented college and graduate students join our teams in various departments this summer. They gained hands-on experience while offering our organization new perspectives, innovative ideas, and unbounding energy. From left in the picture they are Nancy Marquina (Community Development), Laura Perez (Community Development), Flavianna Hawley (Public Work/Facilities), Clementine Furber (Public Works/ Engineering), Drew Barrie (Planning Department), Emy Farrow-German (Community Development/ Housing), and Ford Conger (Public Works/ Administration, not pictured). Coming from Arkansas State University in Mexico, Tulane University, the University of Utah, the University of South Carolina, the University of Southern California, and the University of New Mexico each of our incredible interms performed top notch work for the Town over the past few months. We can’t thank them enough and wish them all well as the summer comes to a close and they head back to school. Thank you for your service and we hope to see you all again soon!

Back to School Safety

The Town and Jackson's Police Department (JPD) want to remind drivers to be on high alert as the 2022-23 school year kicks off for Teton County School District. It's is an exciting part of the year for children (especially kindergarteners starting school for the first time!) and also means that small, inexperienced children will be in the traffic mix on sidewalks and roadsides waiting for buses. Please watch carefully for children near school buildings, around bus stops, and in school zones, and remember that if a school bus has its red lights flashing, drivers must come to a full stop until the sign is tucked back onto the bus. Community safety is a necessity, so please focus on the road and speak to children about safe crossing practices. Also, for any bikers out there, CLICK HERE or at the end of this newsletter for tips about staying safe on bike paths.