
Town of Jackson Newsletter - September 2022

Government and Politics

September 30, 2022

From: Town of Jackson

Mayor Morton Levinson Speaks at National League of Cities 

In early September Mayor Hailey Morton Levinson joind other Mayors, city officials, and a Colorado State Senator on a panel about the Power of Place at a National League of Cities Summit focused on The Future of Work. Various city leaders were invited to participate based on six geographical typologies from 'Superstars' to 'Rising Stars' and 'Suburban Villages' to 'Zoom Towns,' which Jackson is now considered. The summit focused on current trends given that 1 in 6 jobs in the US is now remote and that post-pandemic, many employees have been renegotiating their relationships to work. One area of action suggested as a focus point is for regions to focus on 'place' and creating 15-minute cities where people can meet all of their daily needs within a short radius. Our Mayor happily pointed out that this is already a reality for many in Jackson, and that our community streets plan is continuing to build out infrastructure to support local lifestyles. 

Bear Conflict Zone Map & Process    

Town Council is working on finalizing bear regulations for the Town. Regulations will apply in a desginated 'Bear Conflict Zone.' Click the button below to see a map of the conflict zone. Council will accept public comment about the proposed zone until October 14. CLICK HERE to email Town Council. This item will be discussed at Monday Council meetings on October 3 and October 17. 


Pet Fostering Needed

The Town's Animal Shelter floors are being resurfaced in October. We need local families and individuals to foster dogs and cats during construction. If you would like to help by fostering a dog or cat in your home between October 17 and October 31, please CLICK HERE to fill out a foster application, or call this number for more information: 307-733-2139.  

Staff Highlight:
Kelly Bowlin 

Kelly Bowlin, Development Coordinator, has worked for the Town of Jackson for nearly 25 years. Bowlin was born in L.A. and raised in Rupert, Idaho. She and her husband moved to Jackson in the late '90s. Kelly has a degree in marketing from Idaho State University, but has always been drawn to accounting, record keeping, and problem solving. Those interests and skills are put to good use by the Town's Planning and Building Department where Bowlin handles permitting, contract licenses, and addressing properties. If you build something in Jackson that requires a permit, you will likely cross her path! She shares, “I feel very fortunate to have a job that plays to my skill set. Plus, I work with really great people.” When not helping community members with a wide variety of planning and building questions, you can find Bowlin and her husband out camping and four wheeling in their favorite spot near Kendall, Wyoming. Thanks Kelly for all of the phenomenal years of service you’ve given this community!

Victim Services &
La Liga Stand Against
Domestic Violence 

Teton County Victim Services (TCVS), a special unit of the Town's Jackson's Police Department, has been working to raise awareness about its services and issues affecting our community. Organized by Victim Advocate and soccer referee, David Baker, players and coaches in La Liga are standing against domestic violence, discrimination, and sexism. TCVS provides comprehensive services to educate, empower, and advocate for crime victims including victims of rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Baker notes that, "We are excited to partner with La Liga. The advocacy by the League has been outstanding and we look forward to continued teamwork to take a unified stand against these challenging issues." TCVS needs volunteers! Email: [email protected]